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roughly three and a half months after the decree was abolished

[Y/N] released a yawn as she stared at the test on the counter. She anxiously tapped her bicep, arms crossed. It was around two in the morning and she was exhausted, yet Kokomi insisted she take a test while Heizou was asleep. For some unknown reason.

Picking up the test, she let out a relieved breath at the sight of one line, her tired gaze not catching the faint second one. With a hum, she tossed it into the trash and stumbled back to the bed. She collapsed on top of the mattress, quietly pulling the blankets over her.

A content sigh escaped her as she snuggled into the warm fabric, her eyelids feeling heavy. She startled when hands wrapped around her before relaxing, the scent of fresh mint and vanilla washing over her.


Heizou, of course, did not find her getting up in the middle of the night odd. Not in the slightest. However, he did find her taking approximately four minutes instead of the usual two suspicious. So the next morning, when he awoke and entered the bathroom, he glanced down at the trashcan.

Upon spotting the pregnancy test, he picked it up and stared at the results: one thick line, clearly visible and one line that was faint, but still visible. Startled, he dropped the test and attempted to erase it from his mind as he went about his business.

Of course, that being said, he did not bring it up to [Y/N], nor did he mention her weird cravings. Instead, he complied with her cravings and desperately tried to ignore his gut and mind screaming at him. He would still carry her to some places, ignoring the fact that she was the slightest bit heavier.

He continued this behavior before panicking while in the middle of solving a case. He was promptly scolded and lectured by Sara before he was sat down and she interrogated him on what was wrong.

"Shikanoin, your performance has been dropping and you always appear distracted. What is bothering you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine, tengu."

"I highly doubt that. What is wrong?"

With a sigh, the male faceplanted into the table and let the situation spill from his lips. Once finished, a silence fell over the two.

"Does she know you know?"

"I don't think so. I don't think even she knows. The second line was barely there."

"I suggest asking her about it. Especially if you used protection. It is highly unlikely that she would be impregnated. Unless it tore or-"

"I get it, Kujou. Yeah, I'll ask her about it or something. I dunno. Wait-I've sorta been tracking her cycle just in case and I think she's due to start tomorrow? I'm not really sure."

"Wait a few days, Shikanoin. Rushing will make her stressed."

"Yeah, yeah."


So, here Heizou was, nearly four days later, about to ask if she needs more [preferred feminine product]. They needed more groceries anyway, so he decided it'd be best to ask.

"[Y/N], do you need more [p/f/p]? I'm gonna buy some more food stuff." A thud and a shout of "Ow" was followed by a few footsteps before the woman herself appeared.

"Huh? No. I haven't been on my period for awhile now," she responded, not even bothering to hide her lack of bleeding.

"You...what?" The male stared at her in confusion. "Isn't it monthly?"

LOVE GAME | s. heizou [✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now