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Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, [Y/N] took in her dark surroundings. She glanced down at her lap, noticing Heizou was still asleep. Gently lifting his head, she slid out from under him and brought a blanket over his shoulders.

She needed more info about the ambush, and fast. Especially while he was asleep. She couldn't afford to lose precious time. Scurrying towards the detective's home office, she locked the door behind her and immediately started searching it.

'Nothing but notes on murder cases. Fuck,' she thought, slapping a hand to her forehead. Disappointed, she quickly put the files back where she found them. She unlocked the door and crept out, hurrying back to the couch. Upon gently sitting Heizou up, a soft groan emitted from his lips, causing panic to flash on her face.

"[N/N]?" he slurred, voice raspy.

"Mm? Whassit?"

"Why're y'up?"

'Shit, I didn't think he'd be awake. Think, [Y/N], think!' "I had to pee."

He fell silent and she glanced down to see him staring at her. "What?"

"'s nothin'," he murmured, closing his eyes and tugging on her wrist. With a frown, [Y/N] settled down next to him. He groaned in annoyance and shifted himself onto her lap.

"You're like a puppy," she muttered, running a hand through his hair.


"Annoying but cute." She quickly slapped her other hand over her mouth, eyes widening in shock. 'No. No. No. I did not just say that.'

Heizou was quiet for a moment before looking up at her with a sly smirk. "So you think I'm cute?"

"What, no. I didn't say that."

"You just called me annoying but cute."

"Shut it. I did not." She huffed, looking anywhere except at him. "Now go back to sleep."

"Mm. But talking to you is more fun."

"Sleep is better though."

"Nuh uh."

"Yes. Now sleep, deer boy."

"...Do I get morning sex?"

"We'll see."

"Good night kisses?"


"But, but-"


Heizou did not, in fact, get morning sex. Instead, he woke up to [Y/N] talking to someone. He huffed and closed his eyes, barely listening to the conversation.

"Kujou-san, he isn't here. He left a few days ago." He was confused. Were they talking about him?

"Are you absolutely positive, [Y/N]-san?"

"Yes. I don't even know where he is. All he told me was that he would be gone for a bit because of work before leaving." Oh, yeah. Definitely talking about him.

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