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When she opened her eyes, she was not expecting to be in a bedroom, much less Heizou's bedroom. She was officially confused, even as she forced herself to sit. Her throat was dry and she reached out to grab the glass of water on the bedside table.

A rough hand lay on top of her own as she grabbed the cup. She glanced up, meeting olive green eyes filled with concern. Heizou lifted the glass to her lips and tilted it, allowing her to drink the water slowly.

The glass was pulled away and she frowned before staring down at her hands. The quiet clink of the glass as it was set on the bedside table made her instincts startle, but she gave no indication of hearing it. Fingers snapping in front of her face caused her to jolt with a start before looking up.

"Are you okay?"

[Y/N] hummed in response, pursing her lips and refusing to meet the magenta male's eyes. "Define "okay," Heizou."

The man thought for a moment before his lips twitched down and he released a sigh. "Gorou-san was worried, you know."

She snorted. "He always is."

"That may be so, but you had a breakdown in the middle of a battlefield. That's a cause for concern."

"And since when were you so smart, huh?"

"I've always been smart. Now lay back down and rest."

Frowning, she shot a glare towards the dark redhead. "I don't want to, Heizou."

The man gave no response, instead lightly pushing on her shoulders to make her lay back down. "Okay and? Rest. You ended up with some serious wounds."

The woman jolted in surprise, her eyes wide as she lifted her shirt up, only to see bandages wrapped tightly around her midsection. Her fingers gently brushed against them, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What happened?"

"You lost yourself in the battle and ended up tanking through a lot of hard hits. Kokomi healed you but not fully, saying it would mess up your body and could cause harm if she did so. Something about the cells not knowing you were fully healed?"

[Y/N] had no words. The corners of her lips tilted down as she focused on the empty feeling in her gut. Her consciousness screamed in her mind, asking her why she didn't take care of herself andthebabysheletitdIE. She barely acknowledged Heizou gently making her lay back down, merely giving him a smile that likely looked more like a grimace.

Pain shot through her abdomen and she winced, feeling a stinging ache from in between her legs. She did her best to block out the pain and the screeches of her consciousness, but the screams sounded hurt, melancholy.

Her brain broke apart the words that she could understand as she tried to fit the puzzle pieces of the sentences together. She scowled before her eyes widened and she let out a slight gasp as she sat back up.

"Baby?" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. She slowly moved her gaze from her stomach to the bedroom door where Heizou had left. She was confused but slid the covers off her legs and stood up shakily.

She reached a hand towards the bedside table to steady herself when the bedroom door swung open.

"Dammit, [Y/N], you're supposed to be laying down, not standing up." Her breath hitched in her throat and she felt herself fall into a panic as hands led her back to laying down.

"" The words stumbled out of her mouth as she struggled to stay sitting. The detective froze before grabbing her chin and raising her face to meet her eyes.

"What baby?"

"I-I don't-my conscience is-pregnant?" she blurted out, the words slurring together in her confusion. Her eyes were stinging with tears. Unable to hold them back, she let out a sniffle as her abdomen ached. She fell forward into Heizou's arms, sobs racking her body.

The detective held her, eyes glazed over in concern and questioning. He was, quite frankly, very lost and had not an inkling of understanding. He frowned when she pulled him into a tight embrace, wheezing a little at the strain on his ribs.

He returned the hug, subconsciously pressing a soft kiss to her temple. He could feel his face burn in embarrassment but held his ground. After several moments, [Y/N]'s sobbing decreased until stopping completely.

She pulled away, the whites of her eyes red and her nose running. She sniffled, wiping at the sticky tears still on her cheeks.

"D-Did Kokomi-sama say anything abo-out a baby, Heizou?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I-" she cut herself off, biting her lip to hold back another sob. "I think I was pregnant when I got stabbed, Heizou. Cramps as bad as period cramps, vaginal pain. I'm sure there's bleeding too. A-And I-"

The woman broke down into tears once more, sorrow settling into her body. The man frowned and sat on the bed next to her, pulling her into his chest.

"I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, but it's okay, you know. You need to rest, though. Lay down and get some sleep."

The woman pulled back, looking at him with teary eyes before nodding and trying to lay down comfortably.

"Ca-an you stay?" she asked, her voice a whisper.

"Of course."


"Oh, [Y/N]-chan! Shikanoin-san told me you were experiencing period cramps, vaginal pain, and heavy bleeding with clots. Do you mind if I do a quick ultrasound?" Kokomi's voice flooded her ears, causing the [h/c]-haired woman to look up from her spot on the couch.

She nodded in response, chewing on her lip as the pinkette guided a hand to her stomach. A bubble of water formed around the priestess' hand, cool to the touch. [Y/N] flinched slightly at the coldness but otherwise made no movement. Instead, she watched as Kokomi gently moved her water-covered hand around her stomach.

The hydro-user frowned, her brows pinching together sadly. She pulled away and looked at the [h/c]-haired lady. "You are indeed having a miscarriage. You were roughly five weeks along, so there is no cause for concern with the passing of the embryo. I am sincerely sorry, [Y/N]-chan."

"O-Oh. I don't really want kids, Kokomi-sama. It's okay, just upsetting." The two women shared a bried hug before Kokomi apologized and rushed back to Watatsumi. [Y/N] let out a sigh and curled up on the couch, opening a book to the page she left off on.

She froze for a moment, eyes wide as she let out a surprised squeak. 'Th-That must've been-oh Archons. The baby would've been-how the fuck have I gotten so relaxed? This is...not good considering the war is still happening. He is also an enemy. Pregnant with the enemy's kid? Archons, I've gotten sloppy.'

so. the feedback i received abt the future of this fic was very little. based on what i was told, kids are a nono. i decided to go with a miscarriage due to being stabbed in the abdomen.

i had already written a small part of pregnancy into this chapter but i think this is a better turn out than pregnancy. personally i love kids but they can ruin some fics so i'd rather wait for the epilogue to add em!!

dunno how many chapters will be left but my estimate is around 10? gonna have to go through several months of warfare of tenryou commission vs. watatsumi so thats fun!

planning on ending the fic with a bit of a surprise, but hopefully i can write it well lmao. i struggle with keeping plot consistent. i know this chapter is late so im sorry bout that but ive been busy.

let me know if you have any suggestions for the plot! i also encourage you to leave feedback as it helps my writing! <3

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