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When Kokomi first told her of the plan to storm Tenshukaku, [Y/N] had laughed at the absurdity of it and said it was a funny joke. Turns out, it was not a joke. She was now standing a bit behind Kokomi yet in front of their forces, facing the Shogunate.

The tengu general had her eyes narrowed, gaze burning into the [h/c]-haired woman's direction. Looking over to her, she gave the tengu a cheerful wave and a cheeky smirk before schooling her features and turning to attention.

The babbling of the floating fairy-Paimon, she reminded herself-flew through the air, causing the Watatsumi forces to tense. The blonde next to the fairy remained silent, eyes staring blankly at the ground in front of her as she walked.

She paused at the gates, looking up with surprise at the sight of the rebellion force. A small smile tugged at her lips despite the rips in her outfit. Blood was smeared on her cheek but she seemed relatively unharmed.

Yet, as Gorou was prepared to step forward, a spacial rift opened behind the blonde. The figure of the electro archon appeared, naginata crackling with electricity. The purple-haired woman swung her sword downwards, preparing to slice Lumine to dust but was stopped when a sudden burst of anemo and electro energy flew in front of the blonde.

[Y/N] felt her eyes widen as the goddess' attack was blocked. With a screech of metal, the spacial rift closed, leaving Lumine to stare wide-eyed at her savior. She was gently led back to the rebel force, Kokomi summoning her soothing water jellyfish.

"Lumine, are you..." [Y/N] trailed off, furrowing her brows as she attempted to make sense of the situation. "Are you okay?"

The blonde shot her a glance before giving a short bark of laughter. "I don't think I have been since I lost my brother. It's all so much."

"I guess fighting a god does that to you, huh?"

"Gods are nothing," she retorted incredulously, a brow raised. "It would be nice to have access to my divine powers though. Certainly would be easier."

""Gods are nothing" she says. "Nice to have access to my divine powers" she says. You're insane."




"Yes, tengu?"

"Care to explain why your "girlfriend" is a general for the rebellion?"


"And why not?"

"'Cause I don't want to."

A silence followed after that, Sara scowling at the magenta-haired man. Heizou sat on his couch, [NK/N] draped
across his lap as Sara stood nearby, looming over the two. The click of a lock from the front door caught both of their attention, causing their eyes to flicker over.

[Y/N] opened the door, her posture slouched and her eyes tired before she focused on Sara standing in the living room. With a frown, she shut the door behind her and stumbled in, kicking her shoes off before collapsing on the couch next to Heizou.

"Why's she here?"

"Wanted me to explain."

"Mm? 'xplain wha'?"

"Why you're a rebel general."

"'Cause I'm awesome like that. Duh."

Sara shot the other woman a glare, her arms crossed and jaw clenched. "You are well aware housing a known and wanted criminal is illegal, yes?"

"The war's over, tengu," [Y/N] snapped, scowling at the black-haired woman. "And you have no evidence of me being housed here at any point prior."

Heizou, seemingly unfazed by the two women in his living room, brushed his fingers through the [h/c] strands gently. "Celebratory sex?"

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