5 - Harry

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I sat on the plane, my mind clouded by the only thing that could never be erased from my mind: her eyes. Oh, how I could go on and on about their blueness that drew me in like an endless abyss where, if I just glanced, I would never be able to look away. I didn't think it was possible, but they smiled more than her lips when talking. They sparkled with anticipation for another laugh when in the middle of the current one. The gold flecks speckled within them only tempted me to glance again, expecting never to turn away.

Their enticing nature prompted me to think more about her other features. How she revealed she was about to make a sarcastic comment by folding her arms and letting out a small yet genuine laugh. How she unintentionally tucked stray pieces of hair behind her left ear out of habit. I laughed at my boyish thoughts and leaned back in my seat, folding my arms behind my head, a lovestruck grin sweeping across my lips.

Rays of sun beat through my window, revealing a long-awaited gorgeous California sunset. I opened my eyes and realized that while thinking of Genevieve, I had dozed off. We landed twenty or so minutes later, and the LA rays of heat immediately hit my skin. England's weather has been relatively pleasant, but we have been experiencing a rainy season there, so it was nice to be in a place where it's sunny 24-7.

I grabbed my luggage and smiled to myself from thinking of the last time I was involved with a rather stubborn suitcase. My brother, Tom, had already texted me the driver's number to take me back to his apartment, so it was easy to find the car.

I went on my phone to check out her profile but was greeted with an odd sight: she had never followed me (that I saw anyway), but she had liked 20 or so posts of mine. I pulled up her profile and was stunned as I saw the words "Follow Back" on the blue button. She must've already been following me...what? How?

I frowned in pure curiosity and followed her anyway, even though her account was private. I hoped for the best that I would be accepted and put in a request to follow her anyway. The more I looked down at the page, the more it seemed like a snail was controlling time.

We pulled into a parking garage as I was waiting and waiting some more. The bump of entering startled me, and I diverted my gaze from my phone and was anxious to get out of the car and get my mind off Genevieve's currently inactive account. As we made our way around the eighth or ninth curve, going higher and higher, my stomach began to turn, and I was glad to see the driver put his hands over the wheel, positioned to make a turn. We pulled into a spot, and as soon as the car was officially stopped, I got out of the car and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Soon after, the driver popped the trunk, and I grabbed the small suitcase I had packed for the barely one-day stay. The plan was to hang out with Tom for the night and go with him back to London in the early afternoon.

It was a short trip, but I was glad to have been able to get out of the house because my younger brother, Paddy, has taken up the hobby of joke-telling after our father, who is a comedian. Now, he may be telling jokes, but just because jokes are initially funny when told doesn't mean that quality applies every time.

He tells the same jokes repeatedly and expects us to burst out laughing, rolling on the floor or something like that, and he's become quite a nuisance. The fact that drives us all crazy to no end is that he knows it annoys us now and purposely targets each one of us because of it. Now it is pretty evident why I jumped at the chance to go on a vacation, even if it is short, but it's still better than listening to, 'A horse, camel, and donkey walked into a bar...' for the 20th time.

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