30 - Harry

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 I walked towards my dresser, my palms sweating as if water was being poured in and out of my hands. I slowly opened the top drawer, and after rifling through my strategically placed pile of boxers, I pulled it out. I had been with Genevieve for nearly half a year already, and I had pondered taking the next step in our relationship since the day we started dating. But sanely, I've been contemplating it for around three months now. I knew it was soon, and I often wondered how her mother would react after hearing me want to get engaged this early on in our relationship, but I knew that in the end, it was the right decision.

I knew she was meant to be mine since that day at the airport. Permanently. My hands twiddled the box around, not responding to my attempt to calm my nerves. I rubbed my thumb over the velvet top, making my fingers shake even more. I decided I had enough of holding my potential future in my hands for right now and slid the box right under my carefully placed pile of underwear.

I shut the drawer and walked out of my room, closing my door behind me, knowing the ring was put in a safe place out of view but still taking plenty of precautions. The only people that I've told about my possible proposal plans are Tom and Sam. I haven't decided on the action entirely yet, so I'm not at the point where I would ask permission for her hand. Just thinking about it made me a nervous wreck. I jogged down the stairs and was greeted by Tessa, which told me that Tom was nearby.

"Hey, mate," he greeted me as I entered the kitchen, confirming my theory.

"Hey," I replied flatly, lost in my thoughts. I went over to the island to grab something, but when I got there, I had immediately forgotten what I had come for. I looked around, confused at my actions and why I brought myself to the middle of the kitchen, but shrugged it off, making room to contemplate what I've been thinking nonstop about for the past 92 days.

"Genevieve?" Tom asked, reading my mind completely.

"Yes, what else?" I groaned, jokingly banging my head against the cabinet.

"Ah, so you're contemplating proposing even more now, huh?" he asked curiously while raising an eyebrow, stirring his tea. A shocked look spread across my face as I shushed him profusely, stopping when he raised his hands defensively.

"Gosh, mate. Chill, would you?" he asked with a small laugh, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You just don't know when certain 'people' are around," I whispered, my eyes darting around the room. Since my idea to propose to her came up, I was meticulous about whom I sought advice from and where we would talk about said advice. I didn't want certain ears overhearing, especially since the plan wasn't even set in motion yet. Even though he was technically an adult now, he was still causing trouble and was still considered the tattle-tale of the household. It's surprising how much a bunch of cute freckles could fool someone. Tom immediately knew who I was talking about and hushed his tone, not wanting to give the youngest an excuse to eavesdrop.

"So, are you thinking of doing it?" he asked earnestly, folding his arms. I responded by letting out a loud and drawn-out groan, holding the back of my head with my hands, and walking away from the counter.

"I mean, I already have the ring, Tom. I got it two weeks after we started dating. I was just so sure, and still am, but I don't know. It's just so soon, and I'm afraid she might say no. Of course, I want to, but I don't want to risk losing her.

I sighed, leaning against the edge of the kitchen counter, a frustrated look strewn across my fixed face. I lifted my face when I heard him release a small laugh.

"I don't think that's possible, Harry. She'd never leave you. The only problem I could see happening is that she says yes, and you guys rush into things. But most people are engaged for a little while, so I feel like it's still dating, in a way. So, in the end, you won't really be getting married until the plans are done, and you're both ready to. But don't do it if you want to just get it out of the way and use being engaged as an excuse to extend your time. You wouldn't want to keep that ring on her finger for more than a year or so, and with you, I feel like that won't be hard to do because of how madly in love you both are, or she'll start thing it won't happen."

I immediately shook my head.

"No, no. Of course, not more than a year, Tom. I mean, I bought the ring two weeks after dating her, knowing she was the one. And I'm seriously proposing to her six months after being together. Putting things off isn't my style, apparently," I told him with a small laugh that he shared, nodding. I decided to end the topic there to let myself breathe and think.

Genevieve and I had talked about the subject a few times, and she always said she didn't want to date for more than two years without getting engaged. And, in that case, I'm really getting the jump on things. Of course, at the time, it was never meant to cause me any pressure, and we were just making pleasant conversation, but I suppose the anxiety was starting to build. I knew she'd want it to happen sooner rather than later. I just wasn't sure how soon she'd like it to happen, yet a part of my mind just knew she'd say yes the second I asked her.

I stood there for a few minutes, thinking to myself while Tom blended his protein shake. The loud noise coming out of the blender clouded my thoughts. I decided to take my exit as Tom putzed around, going back into my room and holding the ring box once more. I popped open the lid and gazed at the ring. It wasn't super fancy but had a simple elegance to it. In the middle of it was one large, oval diamond, and surrounding it was a circular band of smaller diamonds amidst four medium-sized diamonds, one placed on the top, bottom, and left and right sides.

The one on the top pointed upward, and the one on the bottom pointed downward, while the other two on the sides were larger versions of the small ones around it. The gold band was simple so it wouldn't distract the eye from the sparkly center of the ring, and having a plainer band than most added a sense of elegance to it.

It was supposed to fit her finger perfectly, at least, that's what the jeweler had said. I had snagged one of Genevieve's rings that she had left behind on one of her monthly visits, and when coming upon it, I was only pondering the idea of proposing and thought that I'd take it to get an idea of what size I'd get her if I did end up going through with it. It turned out that the ring helped me a lot more than I ever thought it would.

As soon as I picked it out, I knew she'd love it. When I do ask her, it won't be like most proposals where the guy gets super nervous and won't know if he'll get the answer he wants or not. It'll be like an obvious and simple question that's been waiting to be asked, even though we've both known the answer all along.

A decisive wave of clearheadedness washed over me as I flashed back to Gen and I's first kiss. I wanted to relive that every day forever, and I felt like I'd die if I couldn't. This is what I wanted. There was no doubt about it. I returned downstairs and found my oldest brother sitting at the table, scrolling through his phone. I sat beside him, trying to submerge the giant grin that worked its way through my body.

"I'm going to do it, Tom."

He looked up, stunned. He didn't waste a second and let out a massive grin, and I released the one I had been submerging until the right moment.

"Congratulations, mate!" he cheered proudly, standing up and wrapping his arms around my neck from behind. I put my hands on his arm, standing up and giving him a proper hug.

"I'm just so happy all of a sudden. I feel invincible. My heart's pounding. Is this what it feels like to finally get a wife?!" I asked excitedly while still whispering, my hand over my pounding heart as we parted.

"Pretty much, even though I'm not one to talk," he said with a laugh as I patted him on the back and let out a sigh.

"You'll get there, mate. Just don't keep April waiting too long," I answered with a grin that put the past to shame, inwardly ecstatic that I could finally say to myself that I was going to marry my soulmate.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He waved off, still smiling. "With her reminding me every week, I highly doubt I'll be able to go another year without popping the question."

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