27 - Genevieve

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 "I am beat," I sighed, nearly out of breath, as I hastily made my way over to the small couch. I sat down a second before Grace plunked down beside me, both of us sharing a tired sigh.

"Some sightseeing," she said through a yawn that caused me to let out a small laugh.

"Totally. I thought those waffles would boost our energy this morning, not drag us down."

"Well, I think I'm going to go take a long, hot, relaxing shower," she told me, grunting as she stood up.

"Sounds good. I'm just going to chill, then hop in there when you're done," I said, sighing as I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. A few minutes after Grace went to go shower, I heard my phone beside me ring. I picked it up and saw it was Harry, a smile flooding my face.

"Hey, you," I greeted, making him snicker.

"Hey," he responded cheerfully, his smile visible through the phone, even though we couldn't see each other.

"What are you doing right now?" he asked in a mischievous tone, making a suspicious smile spread across my lips.

"Talking to you," I answered, making him laugh a little.

"So, you aren't busy?" he asked while I looked around the room, not seeing anything that I was preoccupied with.

"Well, if you call sitting on a couch busy, then yes, I'm afraid I'm booked solid for the next three hours." I smiled, feeling him do the same even though I couldn't see it.

"Oh, darn, thought I'd take a certain lady out for dinner," he said in a jokingly disappointed tone.

"I think I'd be able to move some things around. What time?" I asked, taking the phone away from my face to find out the current time. 6:02.

"7:30?" he asked, hope rising in his voice. A small smile crossed my lips as I bent my fingers forward and looked at my nails.

"I think I can fit it in," I responded, my small smile growing into a giant grin.

"I'll pick you up at 7:15," he said as my eyes drifted towards the giant windows, which displayed a sky ready to burst with the evening colors at any second.

"It's a date. See you then, Holland," I said with a grin, standing up to pick out my clothes.

"Bye, Genevieve."

"Bye, Harry." I smiled, hanging up. I stretched and walked to the bathroom, a pep in my step.

"Hey, Grace?" I nearly yelled, knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" she bellowed back over the roar of the shower. I suddenly remembered everything I needed was in the bathroom.

"Are you indecent?" I asked loudly, still hearing the shower running.

"I need to get my stuff. I'm going on a date with Harry, and I need my stuff to get ready."

"Yeah, you can come in," she yelled back. I opened the door, and steam filled my vision as I made my way to the sink. I noticed her hand pull the thin white shower curtain closer to the wall than it had been before. Thankfully, it was thick enough so that I could hardly see anything even if I looked. It reminded me of when I had been vacationing with Jenna, and she burst into the hotel room bathroom while I was showering to see what type of pizza I wanted. I quickly scooped up everything I had come in for and thought I should inform Grace of the rest before I left.

"I'll be back by ten, most likely. I'm going to go down to the boy's room to get ready," I told her loudly, not finding the need to yell since we now weren't separated by a thick door.

"Ok!" she shouted in response, leaving me to assume she heard everything I told her. I nodded to myself, exiting the bathroom. I grabbed the outfit I had set on the bed and rushed down the hall with the things I had gathered.

I found the boys' room relatively quickly, and when knocking on the door, I got an answer a few seconds later. John answered, and I brushed past him through the door, not bothering to explain why I was there.

"What are you doing here?" Elijah asked from the couch, not bothering to pause whatever they had been watching on the TV.

"I need to use your bathroom. I'm going on a date with Harry, and don't worry, I told Grace. She's in the shower, by the way," I told them as my vocal cords sped at a million miles per hour.

"Oooook," Elijah replied, showing he didn't care much, trying to process all the information I had just told him. I went into their bathroom and let out a loud groan as I heard a squelching noise beneath my feet and remembered the shoes I had neglected when running out the door moments before. Now my socks were sopping up the water that lay in puddles on the tile floor. I cringed, shivering while wanting to vomit.

"I know guys are filthy, but this is DISGUSTING!" I accused through a repulsed yell, moaning and groaning about my current state. I quickly took a towel off the rack without moving my drenched feet and dropped it on the floor, stepping on it and moving it around to mop up the excess water.

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