14 - Genevieve

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"Can we go again?" I begged in anticipation to Harry as we walked off the giant Ferris wheel hand-in-hand for the third time today.

"Nooooo, we've already gone three times! If we go any more, you're pushing for puke," he answered, making me laugh.

"Ah, Holland, you really know how to charm the female species, don't you?" I asked, letting out a grin while looking at him the whole time.

"It's one of my many talents," he answered in a fake, boastful tone while kissing me on the cheek as we continued walking down the big yard of grass.

"And see, I told you you'd be fine, who's the best-" he cut himself off, about to say the anticipated 'B' word.

I let out a smile that proved I was ready for anything. "...boyfriend ever? You," I answered for him, making him turn a bright shade of pink. I never thought I'd call someone my boyfriend before the first date was even over, but everything seems to be a surprise when it comes to him. I laughed and leaned my head on his shoulder, never expecting he would happen so soon, but the best things are the most unexpected, right?

He cleared his voice awkwardly, making me tilt my head back to look at him.

"So, um, I know you're only here for a short time-"

"Four days," I answered, slightly interrupting him.

"Right. So, I was wondering if maybe you and your friends would maybe, um," He cleared his throat one more time before being able to get out the rest of the sentence. "Want to come to my family's house for dinner tomorrow while you're still here? If you have plans and things you guys wanted to see before you leave, it's totally fine."

"I would love to. Let me run it by my friends real quick," I replied sweetly, unhooking our hands momentarily to shoot a short text to the group chat Grace, John, Elijah, and I are in. I pressed send and resumed holding hands with Harry, gazing at my boyfriend and the gorgeous world in front of me with adventure-seeking eyes.

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