13 - Genevieve

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Even though London was only the first stop on my month-long journey, I knew it would be my favorite. It wasn't just because of the endless gorgeous views; it was the people too, Harry in particular. He walked up next to me, taking in the view as well. Although I couldn't take my eyes off the city in front of me, my heart beat faster the closer he got, notifying me he was there. My eyes never reduced their enormous size as I stared out the giant glass panel in front of me, so clear it was like it wasn't there at all.

"Glad you came, huh?" Harry asked, taking out his phone to snap some quick pictures. I felt the awe of the scenery I was taking in surge through me like a bolt of lightning, and turning towards Harry, I slipped both of my hands in his, causing him to put away his phone and face me as well.

He gazed at me with largely confused yet loving brown eyes, making me blush. Turning my head, I looked at the city one last time before turning back to Harry.

"Thank you," I told him with the most sincerity ever coming out of me, meaning everything I said. Nothing about this felt like our first date, but instead, the hundredth one. Our hands tightened as they gripped together, the warmth of the sun beating through the windows and onto our shoulders. I suddenly felt a feeling that has never entered my heart before: love.

Pure, awestruck love. I knew there were no words to describe it in any language because it is something unimaginably unique that always leaves you at a loss for words. Harry stared into my eyes as I looked at his, the colors of brown and blue fusing together, never entirely separating again.

Before I could contemplate what was happening, my mind went numb, throwing out thinking altogether. Harry's lips pressed against mine with such passion and affection that I kissed him back, showing the same amount of adoration. I was shocked that this was happening on our first date (not to mention my first date ever), but I didn't refuse it.

Our hands remained pressed together, hanging down the side of lovingly close bodies. The sun beat down on our skin as we parted, making the fact that this was meant to be even more convincing. We laid our foreheads together, bringing our entwined hands to our chests.

I placed my hand upon his heart as we slowly drew away from each other, knowing his rapidly thumping heart was beating for me. Our mouths and eyes smiled so brightly they shone more radiant than the sun could've ever dreamt of. We shifted our bodies towards the front window again, my head on his shoulder, my arm wrapped tightly around his waist, and his head leaning on mine with his arm around my shoulder.

He was countless kinds of wonderful tied into one person. We were like pieces of two different puzzles that somehow fit together perfectly, bonded forever by glue, never to separate again.

Nothing could replace a love like ours.

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