Ch 581: A Quick Chat

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Seeing Chi Xiao in the hand of a man wearing a panda costume of all things was not something she expected to see in a wedding ceremony. She had been training throughout all of her life for her to pull out Chi Xiao, but seeing this be done by some random person, stung her. However, Hui-Chieh would snap herself out of her shock state and get ready to engage with the panda.

Seeing this, Lin Ye hurriedly put both of his hands toward Hui-Chieh to stop her from doing anything irrational.

"Hui-Chieh! Stop! It's me," The panda pulled off his mask, revealing to her a familiar face, "It's Ye!"

"Ye!" She dropped her guard as she pointed at Lin Ye, "What are you doing here?!"

Then she glanced at the princess behind him, "And why did you kidnap the princess?! What's going on here?!"

Lin Ye threw the head of the panda to the floor. He sighed tiredly.

"A lot of things happened," He looked tiredly at her. Then his gaze went to Leizi, "Leizi, is this area safe?"

The woman in question walked to his side, "I looked around and I only saw these two here, Your Highness."

"Good," Lin Ye nodded at her.

"Your Highness?" Hui-Chieh asked confusedly.

"You knew?!" Lily exclaimed in shock at Leizi.

Leizi looked embarrassed in hiding this fact from the princess. Just when she was about to explain herself, Lin Ye cut her short.

"Let's go inside the room first," Lin Ye ushered the group, "We don't want to get caught outside, do we?"

The group looked at him with doubts. This made Lin Ye arched his brow.

"What?" He asked them.

"Ye, what room are you talking about?" Hui-Chieh asked back, "There is no room in sight here."

This only made him even more confused. He looked at Leizi and Lily to see if they could see the room. From the looks that they were giving him, they were in the same case as Hui-Chieh.

They could not see the room. Only he could do that.

Lin Ye turned his gaze to the door and placed his hand on the door frame. When he touched the wooden door, the door felt so strange in his hand. It felt like there was a layer of... something on the door.

Lin Ye then went to the doorknob and twisted it. In seconds, the layer that he felt that was on the door evaporated in a sense. He turned to the rest to see their eyes widened.

"... It was not there before?" Lin Ye asked them.

"... No," Hui-Chieh shocked her head at him, "When you turned the knob, a door suddenly appeared on the wall out of nowhere."

"I know this room," Leizi walked to the door and touched it, "This is ..."

"Gege's room," Lily finished her sentence. Then her eyes landed on Lin Ye, "This is your room."

"... Let's go inside," Lin Ye opened the door of his room and ushered them to come in, "Let's discuss inside."

Not wanting to waste time, the three of them went inside the room. When the girls were all in the room, Lin Ye closed the door behind him. When he did this, he felt the layer appearing again. He hummed at this and looked inside the room.

The room looked like how he dreamt about it before. It was huge with a king-size bed at the end of the room. Lin Ye could see a wall that was covered with bookshelves. There was one window in the room. He looked outside and saw the rain was still pouring hard outside. As he was hearing the round of rain falling, his mind went to the Warfarin and the rest. They should be at their destination now.

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