in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world.
in which inanna hope helps save the world while meeting her in laws for the first time.
five hargreeves x fem!oc
the umbrella academy fanfic
season 2...
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"Is that a tuna mold?" Inanna asked Elliott as she did up the button on her sleeve, looking up for a second to see the food that Elliott had spent his morning making, it looked rather odd and Inanna didn't like it much, but Inanna had eaten worse and she'd never tell Elliott she didn't like his food.
"Yes. Can you tell the crazy lady that it's a tuna mold? She keeps calling it mouldy tuna" Elliott said pointing towards the room that Diego had slept in.
Inanna nodded as she glanced around the room. The apartment felt oddly empty without Five's eyes burning into her skin anytime she walked into a room. "Where's Five ran off to?" Inanna asked.
Inanna hadn't seen Five since he had woke her up in the middle of the night, stirring her awake as he pulled the bed covers over her and kissed the top of her head.
"No idea" Elliott shrugged. "We we're looking at the machines, there was an alert and he just vanished- did that- that blippy thing that he does all the time".
"Ah" Inanna mumbled "Has he been gone all morning?" Inanna asked.
Elliott nodded as he carefully sat the tuna mold on table next to the coffee cups.
Inanna expected nothing less, she just wished that Five had woken her up before darting off to do whatever he was doing, especially after Diego almost died. Even if it had been for a brief second, she would have liked to have had the chance to say a quick goodbye — as Five had said they had no idea what could happen.
"I've gotta ask you-you something" Elliott said blinking hard when an item of clothing smacked against the frosted window next to his head. Inanna's eyes widened as she turned away from the window, her eyes catching Diego and Lila's silhouettes on the bed.
"Okay" Inanna nodded as Elliott started decorating the tuna mold, ignoring what Diego and Lila were doing in the room next to them.
"You don't have to answer but I can't stop thinking about it" Inanna nodded, unsure of what Elliott was going to ask her. "Why did Five call you 'Inanna' yesterday?" Elliott asked.
"Oh" Inanna scratched her temple, ignoring the second item of clothing that hit the window with a heavy thud. "Inanna is real my name" Inanna bit her lip lightly waiting for Elliott response as he turned his head to her.
"Like how some people called Henry prefer to be called Harry-".
"Like how the timeline could have potentially been screwed" Inanna interrupted.
Elliott straightened up with a nod, turning his back to the frosted window. "So, Imogen, is- who is Imogen?".
"I am" Inanna poked her thumb into her chest "I'm Imogen Hart" Inanna nodded "But I made the name up-".