in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world.
in which inanna hope helps save the world while meeting her in laws for the first time.
five hargreeves x fem!oc
the umbrella academy fanfic
season 2...
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Inanna watched Luther across the bar, unable to hide the disgusted yet confused look on her face as he sang along to the song that played through his headphones.
After wandering around the hotel in search of Five who hadn't returned to their hotel room the night before, leaving Inanna rather disappointed until the morning, Inanna gave up and decided that the best place to wait for Five would be the bar as eventually he'd come looking for a drink.
However, instead of Five, Inanna stumbled upon Luther while he made a mix tape for whoever had put him in a love sick daze, making Inanna wish she hadn't left her hotel room that morning.
Diego came over to the bar, collecting the bottles that had been left about at the tables, disrupting Luther who he sang 'Lady in Red' as he leaned over the counter top to grab more bottles.
The smile faded from Luther's face, and Inanna muffled her laughter by pushing her glass against her lips to drink the remaining golden liquid.
Luther looked over his shoulder, puzzled by Diego's large collection of bottles which he had sacked up in crates. "What's with the bottles?" Luther asked.
"Molotov cocktails" Diego responded. "What's with the music?" Diego asked.
"None of your biz" Luther said squinting his eyes at Diego as Diego picked up the tapes, reading the names.
"Phil Collins. Neil Diamond... Are you making a mixtape?" Diego asked Luther, his voice raising with disbelief.
"Shouldn't you be watching your kid?" Luther retorted.
"Dude, I got that parenting thing down, alright" Luther took his headphones off. "The trick is, you give 'em a little trust, and everything falls into place. Now, I've been working on our defence" Diego said changing the course of the conversation. "Now..." Diego sat down next to Luther, only then spotting Inanna. "Red!" Diego beckoned Inanna over to him and Luther.
Luther turned his head towards Inanna. "How- how- how long have you been sat there?" Luther asked Inanna as she got up from her chair and moved down the bar to sit close to them.
"Since the chorus of Can't Help Falling In Love" Inanna raised her brow at Luther as his face dropped, embarrassed that Inanna had witnessed him sing multiple songs.
"I've been working on our defence" Diego repeated, nodding his head at Inanna. "Now, let's talk offence-".
"Defence for what?" Inanna asked.
Diego shook his head, staring at Inanna as if she had just grown two extra heads. "For the Sparrows" Diego stated. "What's our Sparrow plan of attack?" Diego asked.