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Inanna had insisted she wasn't driving and instead sat in the back to let Klaus drive, incase Five and Klaus decided to wrestle over the steering wheel again — which Inanna wanted no part in

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Inanna had insisted she wasn't driving and instead sat in the back to let Klaus drive, incase Five and Klaus decided to wrestle over the steering wheel again — which Inanna wanted no part in.

"Son of a bitch! Klaus is Amish" Five said shutting the passenger door as he looked around the farm land Klaus had parked the car next to once they finally ended up at the address Klaus had found in his father's office.

"This explains everything" Klaus said walking around the front of the car.

"How?" Inanna asked itching her neck.

"How does this explain anything?" Five asked his brother.

"Because look! Look at this place?" Klaus said walking ahead of Five and Inanna. "This is everything my childhood is missing" Klaus said.

Inanna glanced over her shoulder, feeling as if she was being watched as she scratched at her skin and Five chased after Klaus, leaving Inanna by the car.

"Hey, Klaus. Wait up a minute" Klaus stopped and Five stepped in front of him "Doppelgänger check. You feel anything strange? Uh, itching, sweats, gas, anything like that?".

"No. No, I feel great. Apart from the old rash on the tackle, but what can you do?" Klaus mumbled walking passed Five, expecting him to follow.

"All right, good luck" Five said.

Klaus stopped in his tracks, only then realising that Inanna was still by the car. "What? Wait, you're not coming?".

Five shook his head "This one you gotta do alone" Five said.

"Alone?" Klaus repeated, his shoulders slumping. "Yeah, okay. Yeah, I can do that, sure" Klaus nodded.

Klaus slowly walked away from Five and Five walked back over to Inanna. "You wanna drive? We can wait by those cows we passed" Five suggested.

"You can drive, take it in turns" Inanna said. Five nodded and he opened the passenger door, holding it open for Inanna.

Five drove the car down the road and parked it next to the large field filled with cows. Five turned the radio up and got out of the car to sit in the back to rest his feet up as he continued looking at things on the map. Inanna got out of the car, walking towards the field of cows, needing a minute to herself before she brought up Viktor's plan, preparing to be shut down by Five.

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