in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world.
in which inanna hope helps save the world while meeting her in laws for the first time.
five hargreeves x fem!oc
the umbrella academy fanfic
season 2...
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Five only left Inanna's bedroom once that night. He waited until he could hear Luther's snores through the wall and blinked into the living room with a blanket in his hands. He would have woken Inanna up and let her have her room, but he needed the time to think without her questioning his every thought, so instead, he took her shoes off, covered her with a blanket and put the conch shell — that she had fallen asleep holding — on the table, before returning to the room until the morning, leaving Inanna on the couch.
Inanna could have slept in Elliott's room, but Inanna didn't want to disturb the nicely made bed that Elliott had tidied the morning before his death, and she couldn't bring herself to enter his room either, feeling as if she was intruding on Elliott's privacy, even though he was no longer there.
Luther bolted up in the chair at the sound of the fridge being opened by Five. "Five?" Luther shouted, his voice hazy and his eyes still closed.
Inanna's arm fell off the side of the couch as her body jolted from Luther's voice, smacking her knuckles against the hard floor. Inanna groaned covering her eyes with her hand as she lifted her arm back onto the couch and pulled it close to her chest, rubbing her knuckles against her chin, to sooth the pain.
Luther muttered an apology to Inanna as he got up from the chair, his legs clicking when he stood.
Inanna waved him off not even opening her eyes as Luther walked through the apartment to find Five.
Luther found Five by the fridge, chugging a large bottle of water. "Are you okay?" Luther asked, furrowing his brow in confusion and concern.
Five breathed heavily, spilling some of the water from the bottle as he dropped his arm by his side. "I'm gonna need to be hydrated" Five said closing the bottle before sitting it back in the fridge.
Inanna pulled the blanket up over her head, to block out their voices. She didn't know what time it was but it was bright and so she deemed it to early to be awake, especially if she was supposed to be counting down her hours.
"Hydrated?" Luther asked, his question going unanswered as Five grabbed a bottle of baby powder and put it on, confusing Luther further "What's with the baby powder?" Luther asked.
"It'll help with the itching" Five said.
"What itching? There's itching? What the hell is going on here? Shall- should I wake Inanna?" Luther asked pointing his thumb over to Inanna, assuming that she had fallen straight back to sleep after he had woken her.
"No. Definitely not" Five said, his words quick and hushed as he answered the latter question. "I need just a few more minutes of peace, okay?" Luther nodded, watching Five waft his clothes to spread the powder.