in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world.
in which inanna hope helps save the world while meeting her in laws for the first time.
five hargreeves x fem!oc
the umbrella academy fanfic
season 2...
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Inanna and Five trailed after Luther and older Five across a bridge that was built over a train line. Inanna was certain that if she left Five's side even just for a second, he would somehow die. The paradox psychosis was only getting worse and Five had become even more paranoid than he already was.
"What are you looking at?" Five shouted pointing at a man who was simply minding his own business, walking up the steps to the bridge.
"Five" Inanna sighed, hooking her arm around his. "He's not looking at you" Inanna said as Five turned towards her.
"He was" Five muttered, turning to look at the guy again. "See something funny? Asshole!" Five shouted. "Mind your business! Or I'll give you something to stare at" Five continued shouting and Inanna looked over her shoulder apologising to the man.
Five scratched his leg, unhooking his arm from Inanna's to scratch his neck at the same time. "You wish you could pull off these shorts!" Five shouted.
The man slowed down, wanting to put some space between himself and Five as Five turned away from him.
"Stop it" Inanna whispered. "If he punches you, I won't stop him".
"He wants to punch me? Did he say-".
"No" Inanna grabbed Five's hand as he went to turn around to the man again, pulling him with her as she continued walking. Inanna realised it wasn't the smartest of things to say to Five in that moment. "No. Just... just calm down a little, okay. The only person looking at you weird is me. I know it's the paradox psychosis-".
"It's not. I'm fine" Five's denial was pointless.
"I am" Five said, bumping his shoulder into Inanna's accidentally as he tried to walk in a straight line and failed.
"I believe you,-" Inanna put her arm around his waist underneath his blazer to stop him from walking like a drunk man. "-don't worry, hunny".
"You don't believe me" Five said, pulling his blazer back as he looked down at Inanna's hand on his waist, noticing the tiny flag she was still carrying.
"I don't" Inanna said as Luther fell into step with her and Five.
Luther chuckled "Hey, brother. How you doing?" Luther asked Five, his forced smile never fading from his face as he watched older Five walked down the steps of the bridge.
"He's gonna kill me, isn't he?" Five said, leaning his head towards Luther.
Luther scoffed with a quiet laugh. "What?" Luther and Inanna spoke simultaneously. Luther's 'what?' only confirmed Five's paranoia.