in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world.
in which inanna hope helps save the world while meeting her in laws for the first time.
five hargreeves x fem!oc
the umbrella academy fanfic
season 2...
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All but Klaus stood around the television in Elliott's television store, listening to the man on the screen list them as suspects in JFK's assassination. Five and Inanna however, were deemed as 'hostages', with Five being unnamed while Inanna was identified as 'Imogen Hart'.
"Look" Luther scoffed. "The good news is that we restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday. So-".
"Yeah, a bunch of real goddam heroes. We let Kennedy die" Diego said.
"Yeah, and now we're officially the most wanted people in the world. The FBI is after us, the Dallas police, the Secret Service-" Klaus walked down the stairs and behind Allison. "-It's only a matter of time before they hunt us down here".
"I'm surprised they aren't already here" Inanna said, sliding across the step as Klaus continued his walk.
"Well, where are we supposed to go?" Vanya asked.
"I have this yurt just outside Reykjavik" Klaus suggested. "We could totally lay low there. Folks there are a little weird, but lovely. Welcoming-".
"Hey, numbnuts" Five spoke up. "Hiding's not gonna make a difference here. The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go".
"He's right. They'll never stop" Diego said.
"I'm sorry, since when are you an expert on the Commission?" Five asked his brother.
"Since I got back from there" Diego said.
"What?" Inanna and Five asked. Inanna stood up, turning to Diego as she leaned against the stairs railing.
"Yeah, they headhunted me, offered me a job. Full time with benefits, which I had to turn down" Diego sounded slightly disappointed.
"They headhunted you..." Five chuckled. "The village idiot?".
"What, am I not allowed to be headhunted?" Diego asked. "Only the almighty Five needs to be in demand?" Diego asked turning to Five.
"Diego, you're not Commission material, all right? Got an obstinate nature to ya" Five said.
"Who do you think it was that figured out Vanya was the one that causes doomsday and stopped it? Me-".
"Hey!" Klaus raised his voice, his hand resting on his hip.
"That's who" Diego said leaning down to Five's height. "I figured it all out on the Infinite Switchboard".
"You were on the Infinite Switchboard?" Five asked.
"Hell, yeah. I made that machine my bitch" Diego shouted. "Y'all need to recognise I got shit going on y'all don't even know about".
"Oh, i'm sorry. You've got things going on?" Allison asked from where she sat on the stairs.