in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world.
in which inanna hope helps save the world while meeting her in laws for the first time.
five hargreeves x fem!oc
the umbrella academy fanfic
season 2...
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The car was rather silent the entire drive out of the city, with small talk being passed between Viktor and Inanna to break the awkwardness every so often while the world around them deteriorated more with each mile.
Viktor had told Inanna a simple plan. He was going to take Harlan's powers back from him, like he had tried to do that day at the farm and then once that was done, the harder part of the plan would begin — To convince the Sparrows that Harlan deserved to live.
Viktor drove them to a diner which was seemingly left abandoned, minus a singular car which Allison sat on, watching over Harlan who sat against the wall of the diner with his headphones on.
Inanna followed Viktor out of the car, crossing her arms over her chest as she walked around the front of it.
"Hey" Viktor looked between Allison and Harlan. "You two getting along?" Viktor asked.
"Oh, yeah. Two peas in a pod" Allison responded, nodding her head over to Harlan. "How'd the others take you going AWOL?" Allison asked.
Viktor extended his arms out to his sides. "Wouldn't say I'm their favourite sibling right now" Viktor said, nodding his head.
"Noticed you brought a plus one" Allison pointed at Inanna with the cigarette between her fingers.
"Yeah" Viktor nodded glancing over at Inanna. "Inanna is our best chance at convincing the others to help us eventually".
"And why's that?" Allison asked flickering her gaze between Viktor and Inanna. Allison scoffed. "Oh, right" Allison began answering her own question. "Because Five will do just about anything you say, right?".
Inanna shook her head, choosing to ignore Allison as she looked over at Harlan. Viktor did the same, not wanting to be the one to split up a potential fight between his two grieving sisters who had a lot more in common than they realised.
"You okay, Harlan?" Viktor asked walking over to the older man.
Harlan didn't respond. He rubbed his trouser covered knees as he glanced over at his briefcase next to him which stored his tapes.
Allison jumped off the car and walked over to Viktor. Inanna stayed by the car she and Viktor had arrived in, keeping her distance from Allison for a moment.
"Mr. Conversation" Allison said stomping her cigarette out on the ground. "Doing all right?" Allison asked Viktor.
"Yeah" Viktor nodded. "I'm fine" Allison shook her head. "Things are getting really bad out there. There's not much time until everything falls apart" Viktor said as Allison looked towards the city which was partially up in flames.