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Olivia blinked her eyes open. She felt a tickle between her legs. She gasped as she looked down to see the dark potions master between her thighs. His silky hair was responsible for the tickle. He smiled at her, deviously, before lowering his head back down. He licked between her legs slowly, enjoying the moans he was pulling from her.

"Severus," she begged.

He looked up at her with his eyes only, his lips and tongue continued to explore her folds. Cocking his eyebrow, he silently urged her to continue.

"I need you! Come up here, please!". Smirking, he licked his way up her body. When his head rested on their shared pillow, he pulled her close to his body. They slowly kissed, passionately, as they lay on their sides facing one another. His tongue reached out to caress hers, he tasted delicious in the morning, evidently.

He reached up with his large hand, smoothing her long hair out of his way so he could suckle on her collarbone. Olivia loved the feeling of his hot mouth exploring her overly sensitive skin. He slid his hand down her body, over to her bare thigh. She had forgotten she slept naked last night. She didn't bother to be embarrassed though, it made for an awfully convenient morning.

He hooked his fingers under her knee, moving her leg to wrap around his own body. His body was softer than she remembered, feathery soft where she would've thought his muscles to be hard. The feeling of his hardened cock distracted her from her thoughts. He had reached between their bodies, grasping his length and shoving into her briskly. She gasped as their bodies joined. She wished he'd make more noise, touch her more.

She decided she would have to take the lead this morning. Perhaps she had worn him out the night before? He wasn't as participatory for their morning coupling. She ground her clit against his soft body. It took awhile for her to get a good pace, but after several minutes of grinding, she felt her hips snap at the end of each thrust, pulling her orgasm nearer and nearer. She continued to grind and moan and snap her hips until she called out his name. Breathless, she heard a deep chuckle from behind her.

"Wow. Happy Christmas to me. That seemed like a good one. Perhaps you'll permit me to join next time?"

Olivia's eyes snapped open. Squinting from the morning sun, she was horrified to find out she had dreamed of their morning congress . At least she knew why he felt so soft... poor pillow...

Olivia quickly threw the covers over her head in embarrassment. This only made the wizard laugh harder.

"Oh, no... don't you dare hide from me. You molested my poor pillow and now I feel quite jealous. I thought I made it clear last night that your pleasure belonged to me. Perhaps you need a new lesson? That could be my gift..."

Olivia's fingers curled over the top of the bedsheet, pulling it down slightly so she could peek out towards the man.

God. He looked gorgeous, all sleep-tousled and smiling.

Olivia allowed herself a few moments to stare at him. His black hair stuck out in all directions, as if someone...Olivia... tugged at it all night. He was dressed in a long sleeved white Oxford shirt and black trousers.

Of course. God forbid the man walk around naked to let me ogle him all morning... I'll tell him to make his cock my Christmas gift.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be able to get out of bed today?" She whined.

"Ah, I have every intention of joining you soon. But I wanted to cook my witch some breakfast. You'll need to keep your strength up for what I have planned," he smirked.

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