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AN: This chapter will elude to a past relationship with Severus, Narcissa, and Lucius. Hopefully the majority of you do not take issue with this, but the Malfoy's will play a role in this fic.

Alpha/Beta Love to: Celestialsister0918, SyrenGrey, and Kiridraca for all your amazing help with this. Love you!!


Severus wasn't sure how long he sat on the floor, but if he went by how stiff his joints were, he had been there for quite awhile. Olivia would doubtlessly be anxious to have him return to her. She certainly deserved not only an apology, but an explanation as well.

But how could he possibly explain any of this to her? She'd never understand his motives or accept him for the man he has grown into. If Karkaroff is correct, and the sickly feeling in the pit of his stomach seemed to agree, the Dark Lord would be returning soon. Severus knew his duty would be to report to Dumbledore.

Reluctantly, he unstuck his frozen joints from the cold, hard floor of the storeroom, having made up his mind to go to the Headmaster and inform him of this updated information.


"Ah! Severus. What a pleasant surprise to see you here this evening."

The Headmaster's eyes were twinkling with amusement which annoyed Severus for some reason. Why did the old man find everything so damn entertaining? Severus scoffed and rolled his eyes."We have business to discuss, Headmaster".

Dumbledore nodded solemnly before gesturing for Severus to take a seat. The elder wizard sat behind his cluttered desk, steepling his fingers as he waited for Severus to start.

"Karkaroff has been following me like a lost dog all damn year. He actually interrupted my potions class to demand my presence."

"And what does he want?"

"The Mark is even Darker than it was at Yule. He is frightened. Convinced of the Dark Lord's return." Severus sat stiffly in his chair, onyx eyes glued to the icy blue of the Headmaster. Dumbledore remained statuesque, deep in thought as he combed his fingers through his long beard. Severus was starting to get restless before the wizard spoke again.

"I had rather hoped that Igor had left his allegiance to Tom back in Azkaban, but it appears not. And, with our new guests, I think you'll find it benefits us to focus our attention on minimizing whatever threat he wishes to pose." Snape opened his mouth to disagree before the Headmaster raised a hand, silencing him. "Surely, you would have heard some sort of rumors of his return by now Severus, if we truly had a need for concern?"

Severus thought back. Karkaroff could very well be a wizard obsessed. Being reunited with himself and Dumbledore could have, in theory, brought up old memories and fears. Although Severus had to admit, his Mark had awoken. But Lucius hadn't mentioned anything to him, and surely if he could trust anyone, it would be Malfoy. Severus let out a small breath of relief. He still had a feeling of dread, buried deep down but for now, he'd let it go.

"Indeed. If that is all, I shall take my leave," Severus bowed his head as he turned to leave.

"Perhaps-" Dumbledore started, "it would behoove you to remain vigilant? It would be a shame for you to miss any obvious signs because you were otherwise...preoccupied". The Headmaster looked down at Severus, those damn blue eyes bore into him as he surveyed the Potion Master's expression.

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