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Olivia had a hard time adjusting to their return to the castle. Their weekend away solidified in her mind that she wanted Severus more than anything in the world. She had fallen quickly for the man and wanted nothing more than to utter those three little words to him.

But she wouldn't.

She knew him well enough at this point that should she confess something heartfelt and raw, he would hex her and run as far away as possible.So, she dealt with the butterflies in her stomach when their eyes would meet, the surge of lust she felt anytime they were alone together but couldn't act on it.

Their brewing sessions continued, although to be perfectly honest, she hardly worked. She spent most of her time watching him and his dexterous fingers work their magic. Severus aside, she loved the unofficial apprenticeship Poppy offered her. She was learning so much and frankly didn't want to give it up. One afternoon, Olivia stood at the cabinet, stocking potions and bandages when a student came in, crying. Her hands were horribly blistered. Olivia immediately recognized her from before, months ago when she had been hexed to have her teeth grow, Hermione Granger. Olivia took her back to a private room, calling for Poppy to come heal the poor girl. She wasn't supposed to treat any Hogwarts students anymore, not since Maxime had put an end to it.

"Just what do you think you are doing, Olivia?" Maxime had escorted a Beauxbaton student to the hospital wing for a quick pepper-up potion to find Olivia standing beside Poppy, assisting with a Hogwarts student. "You work for us, not with these...people." Her voice was low and full of disdain, as if associating with anyone else was repulsive.

"I'm only assisting, Madam Maxime. Madam Pomfrey has been kind enough to teach me more effective methods of treatments, Knowledge I can bring back with me."

"There will be nowhere to bring this information back to, girl. You have been completely absent from our school. You chose to board yourself here, to work here. Do you not remember your place, girl? We're here to win a championship, not fraternize with the competition."

"But I'm not -"

"Do not think your liaison with that dark man has gone unnoticed Olivia. Word travels quickly around here. You have made your allegiance known. I want you out."

"Madam, please! You are overreacting. I'm just learning -"

"I do not wish to hear of it. You will finish out your little...lessons. But they will not be practical lessons. I do not want you practicing healing on anyone not from our school. At the end of this competition, you will clear out your things and find employment elsewhere." Maxime paused to look over at Olivia with such disgust, such...disappointment. "You were sorted into Bellefeuille. You are supposed to be loyal above all else." Maxime turned and left, leaving Olivia sobbing and completely distraught.

Where would she go? What would she do? She felt hopeless.

Poppy calmed her down, assuring her that everything would work out. Within two weeks, she had officially been offered an apprenticeship at Hogwarts which she gratefully accepted. This school had already taken her in, and treated her like one of their own. That night, she was able to find comfort and celebrate with Severus... twice in fact. She had no idea how or why this position was offered, but she wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. She was going to get to stay in Scotland... with Severus.

Their relationship was doing remarkably well. Over the next few months, they saw each other every day and nearly every night. Occasionally Severus would say he was too busy, having night patrols or other head of house duties, and sometimes he was a complete bastard after a run-in with the Defense professor, Moody, and she'd seek asylum in the hospital wing. Those were the loneliest nights for her; she hated sleeping alone and often times would seek out Poppy for a cup of tea and a good chat in the hopes that she'd be able to doze off. It never worked though. Evidently she was unable to sleep without a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, she even missed the little snores he claimed weren't from him.

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