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AN: Alpha/Beta love as always to the amazing SyrenGrey and Kiridraca


Minerva was droning on about something, he couldn't care what. The final event was tonight and he was reluctant, to say the least. He knew Olivia would be required to be there. He just wasn't ready to see her yet, the wound was still too fresh. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to see her again. Minerva elbowed him, knocking his fork across his plate with a screech that hurt his teeth.

"Damnit, woman."

"She's here," Minerva whispered.

Severus didn't have to ask who she was talking about. He could feel her presence when she walked in, a strange tickling feeling. He slowly looked up at her, shocked at her appearance. She looked tired. Eyes sunken in with dark purple circles underneath. Her cheekbones looked sharper, no doubt from the weight she had lost. Her hands trembled as she stood there, ringing her hands, nibbling on her lip. He missed her lips. Severus didn't want to look at her any more. It was too painful. He stood quickly, returning to his chambers to await the third task.

Evening came. Severus had tried to rest his body but ended up pacing instead. He was proud that he only threw up twice. On second thought...

Three times.

Severus stood over his sink, water running cool so he could splash his face and brush his teeth. His hair was damp and hung limply in his face. Not that it mattered, he wasn't trying to impress anyone. He looked into his reflection, watching his pupils constrict as the impenetrable mask of Occlumency took over. He had been practicing since his meeting with Dumbledore. He wanted to make sure his shields were strong, unbreachable. He needed to survive and survival meant hiding everything.

He changed his shirt, having perspired through it. He stood in front of the mirror, face stoic as he slowly worked his way through his battle gear. Counting the steps to ground his thoughts.

Seven buttons on his crisp, white Oxford shirt.

Two cufflinks to close the sleeves.

Nine black-clothed buttons of his frock closed, leaving the top three open to allow room for his cravat.

Nine black buttons on each sleeve, to keep his frock tight. Ebony wand slid into the enchanted holster on his left forearm, hidden from view from everyone else.

Silk cravat slid against his throat, dexterous fingers knotting it properly.

Dragonhide boots we slid on over black socks, 4 buttons done to fasten each pants leg.

35 buttons. One for each year of his life. Odd thought.

With one last glance at his reflection, he strode out of the castle, headed towards the final destination. He climbed the stairs, taking a seat at the front to be able to stare at the maze and hear the instructions. He wanted a good view of the events and especially of Igor. He settled down towards the front, preparing himself for the task. Poppy arrived next, a broken witch followed closely behind. They sat beside him, mercifully, Olivia sat on the far end so he didn't need to smell her. He couldn't risk any distractions tonight.

The sky was a deep, clear blue now, and the first stars were starting to appear. Hagrid, Moody, Minerva, and Fllitwick came walking into the stadium and approached Bagman and the champions. They were wearing large, red, luminous stars on their hats, all except Hagrid who had his on the back of his moleskin vest.

"We are going to be patrolling the outside of the maze," said Minerva to the champions. "If you get into difficulty, and wish to be rescued, send red sparks into the air, and one of us will come and get you, do you understand?"

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