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"It's... it's beautiful. Truly. But... Why would Severus and Lucius have matching muggle tattoos?" 

Naricissa laughed at the witch. "Foolish girl. They aren't muggle tattoos. They are the Mark of the Dark Lord's inner circle. Severus and Lucius are Death Eaters." 

Olivia furrowed her brow. She went to respond to this when Severus and Lucius came bursting through the door. 

Snape took one look at the portrait before barking at Narcissa. "Cissa, what have you done?"  He looked at his witch who had tears in her eyes. Severus felt nauseous. This was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment his witch would leave him. 


Severus felt the room spin, a deep seeded feeling of doom accompanied his racing thoughts. He wanted to kill Narcissa for this. He had informed them to not reveal his past. He felt betrayed and he didn't forgive betrayal easily. Was Lucius a part of this? Did he keep Severus delayed intentionally to allow Cissa to poison his witch against him?

Severus tried to slow his breathing, closed his eyes and tried to reason through his thoughts. Lucius was his brother, he trusted him with almost every aspect of his life. He knew there was no way Lucius would ruin something good in his life. Narcissa seemed to care for him as well. She always took good care of him as he grew up, helping him to feel welcomed among the Pure Blood Elites, not to mention her determination to make him feel wanted and desired when he shared their bed.

He slowly opened his eyes, having calmed down. The Malffoy's did not   betray him purposefully. Narcissa likely was trying to seduce his witch; she had taken a personal affront to the fact that Severus hadn't participated in any of their recent events.  Olivia stood by the Pensieve stoically, her body language was closed off and passive, but, thankfully, not overly fearful. If anything, she seemed confused...perhaps hurt.

"Narcissa, my dear. Come. We should allow them some privacy." Lucius spoke softly, but Severus didn't miss the way his lips formed a tight line. He was obviously irritated with his wife's little show.

As the Malfoy's left, a deafening silence ensued. Olivia had remained in her demure position, staring intently at the ground. Severus felt a pang in his chest. His witch was a strong woman and he didn't enjoy this... brokenness. Knowing he caused it made it even worse. His mind was racing, forcing him to relive the few months he's had with her. The tension between them had been a welcomed distraction. He loved their little cat and mouse game. Then when they finally kissed, he felt as if he had finally found something he didn't know was missing. She had quickly broken down all his barriers - Severus Snape did not dance, and yet he complied in front of students and coworkers alike before he finally took her for the first time. Slowly, gently. Until he fucked that up too. He didn't deserve her. Perhaps it was best that things ended now, before either of them said something they might regret. He wanted to protect his heart.

"I'm so sorry, Seveus."

Snape snapped his head up, piercing Olivia with his black eyes. She had whispered so quietly, so brokenly, that he almost missed her words. He stood there, looking at her tear-filled eyes, unable to respond. Only when she returned her gaze to the floor did he find his voice.

"Sorry? What do you have to be sorry for?"

"I-I didn't mean to pry into your life. Narcissa...she brought me here. I honestly didn't think you'd be upset that I knew." She kept her eyes downward.

"Wouldn't be upset?" he gasped. How could I not be bloody upset? And why isnt she more upset?

"Yes. I mean... you had already hinted as much. And with Lucius' letter..." she trailed off. After a minute, she continued. "I don't care that you're bisexual Severus. It doesn't bother me. Provided, of course, you don't continue any...previous...relationships." Olivia finally looked up into the stunned face of her wizard.

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