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A/N: I wanted to thank you all for following me on this journey. I am so anxious to release this final chapter to the first installment of my Severus Snape series. It's thanks to all of you that I have been able to continue with this journey. I plan to start releasing book 2 in March. I want to have a few chapters written ahead of time so I can post weekly, unlike the sporadic schedule I've had with this first one. 

Warning: This chapter has graphic depictions of violence and torture, physical and psychological. If this is triggering to you, please only read the sections that directly involve Olivia's POV. I have inserted page breaks to help with this. 

Alpha/Beta love to these three amazing women, without you, I wouldn't have gotten this chapter finished. Thanks for sticking with me! SyrenGrey, Kiridraca, Bondgirltrb

Without further ado... I give you chapter 27


Severus took a raspy breath as he awakened to his sweat-soaked pillow. He rolled his head from side to side, fighting off the hallucinations that were accompanying his fever. His breathing increased and he was shivering from the cold room. He noted there wasn't any light, not even a sliver of sun, or moon– he wasn't sure what time it was, let alone day. He attempted, unsuccessfully, to swing his legs over the side of what felt like a damp mattress. The sickly sweet smell of mildew filled his nose, which he promptly scrunched in disgust.

Snape grunted quietly. His knee was fucked, he could already tell. How long had he been here? He felt like he was becoming lucid once again, but then quickly would slip back into unconsciousness only to be startled awake again. He could have sworn he heard voices but couldn't be sure. And why was he always wet?

"Is he dead?" One voice asked.

"Nah. Not yet. Come on, help me get 'im up."



It felt like a thousand white-hot blades sinking into his skin, slicing open every vein in his body to spread the warmth. It had been many years since he last felt the sting of the Dark Lord's wrath. He had almost forgotten how unbearable it was.

The spell had only lasted a few seconds, but the convulsion that followed tweaked his already wounded knee. He didn't let out a scream, he wouldn't give him the satisfaction this early on. He rose back to his kneeling position, keeping his eyes downcast...submissive.

"Severus," the serpentine man hissed, circling behind his back. "I had thought you left us. You are usually a prompt man. Do tell what you found more important than my summons. I would assume any loyal follower would have returned immediately. Alas, my inner circle was three men short. I already know my most loyal servant has an excuse. But what of you and your traitorous brother, Igor?

Severus remained silent, waiting for permission.

A scaly barefoot with long, curled toenails kicked him so he fell on his back. Looking up, he saw a tall, muscular man, sporting a thin, black mustache.

Fucking Macnair. Severus scoffed internally–this cruel bastard was going to enjoy taking him apart.

"Hello, Snape." Macnair leaned forward, a line of spit slipped from his lips and landed on Severus' cheek, barely missing his mouth. Severus' black eyes glittered, amused. He'd kill the prick the first chance he got.

Voldemort flicked off a stinging hex to the mustached man. "Don't taunt him," he threatened. "Afterall, he has much to tell us, don't you?"

"Lucius!" The blonde startled before he moved forward. Severus felt a pang of anger as his friend looked down on him with such loathing. "Join Macnair in escorting our...guest to his new chambers hmm?"

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