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Ava Anderson

The shrill beeping of my alarm woke me up from my sleep. I rolled over to my nightstand to see what the digital clock was reading.

It was 5am and I had planned to go pick Zoe from the Malpensa international airport, she called last night and had requested that I had picked her.

I groaned as I got out of bed, my feet coming in contact with the cold tiles. I jolted up and headed straight for the bathroom. When I was done dressing up I took my car keys from the bedside drawer and soon I was out of the flat.

I hastily buttoned up the jacket since it was cold outside, I shivered at the feeling of being watched. The sound of what felt like a pen falling was heard from down the hallway right at a corner. I shrugged it off thinking it was just my imagination.

My tote bag that I hunged on my right shoulder was held closer tp my body as I walked walked out of the building quickly, it was not clear outside but people were already walking and cars sped down the road.

The feeling of being watched increased intensely, I looked back at the building to see if anyone was there. I quickly got into my car when I saw no one, I sighed when I realised I did not pray when I woke up. I quickly said my prayers before driving off to the airport.

In twenty minutes, I was at the airport. I walked over to where Zoe said to wait for her and was suprised when I saw her there glaring at the white wall. Her luggage was beside her and she was checking her watch.

I hugged her from behind startling her "Good morning, when did you arrive?" I asked.

She removed my hands and turned around, the glare still on her face "I told you my flight would arrive by 5am, I have been waiting here for fourth minutes" She said and crossed her arm over her chest.

I smiled, collecting her luggage before pulling her along with me "I'm sorry I slept really late yesterday. You seem not to be in a good mood and I'm sure it was not me coming late that made you this angry" I said.

"No" She flinched making me release the hold on her hand as she began walking ahead of me right to where I had parked the car.

I dragged the luggage and soon the car car into view "Then what made you angry?" I pressed my car key.

"First, my flight was postponed by a few hours and then my seat mate looked like someone that was drunk, he was telling me about all his life problems" She hissed out.

We got to the car and I placed the suitcase in the boot before getting into the car, she as already sitted.

"Then?" I asked knowing that that was not the end of the story. I started the car acting for the one behind mine to move.

"I complained to the air hostess that I can't stay in that seat again and she took me to first class since there was not where else to take me to" She said. She rolled down her side of te window and we both put on our seat belts.

"There was this lady in the first class who said she was not comfortable seeing me there. According to her,  she had a flat body type and I was curvy in tne right places which made her irritated because her boyfriend was looking at me" She said and pulled out a biscuit from  her bag.

I drove out of the airport.

"Don't mind her, I really don't understand why some people are not happy with the was God created them and why you would be in a relationship knowing that your patner is not trusted" I murmured remembering my past relationship.

"Not everyone is like you Ava" She replied chewing on the biscuit.

I hummed in response and focused more on driving. There was a lot of things I wanted to tell her but that had to wait until she was home and gotten some rest.

She is my best friend and I would feel better if I just tell her everything that has happened in the past two days. My eyes fe,the heavy from lack of sleep and I so much wanted nothing else to do than to cuddle with my pillow.

I had to get home and go to bed before my day in the hospital starts.

"You look stressed, what are those bags doing under your eyes?"  Zoe asked. She leaned on the window facing me.

"Those are bags of gold" I chuckled at my own joke. The day had gotten clearer and more cars were on the road, traffic waited ahead of me.

"That was dry" She said rolling her eyes.

I changed the topic quickly "How is your mother?" I asked.

We finally got into the traffic, It looked like one that was going to clear soon. I rested my back on the seat and took some biscuits she had offered me.

"She looked so sick when I got there but was getting some treatment, I recommend some drugs and took care of her better" She smiled like she had just won a medal.

"How is your family in general?" I asked. The traffic cleared a bit and we started moving again.

She took some time before she answered the question "My siblings were glad to see me but my father was acting like I'm not his daughter" She said looking out the window.

I nodded even though she could not see me. Her father had almost disowned her when he found out she converted to Christianity if not for the pleading from both her mother and siblings.

He cut some ties with her and had refused to help her financially and I'm so proud that she could stand on her own without any help.

Her father was some owner of a company that produces weapons and the way wars were on the increase in the world, her father was rich as he was one of the major producer of weapons in America.

Her mother was a princess that came from a royal family and she had met Zoe's father through some business meeting and both familt had planned an arranged marriage.

I wondered how it felt like to be in an arranged marriage.

I placed my hand on hers in a reassuring manner "He'll come around soon and realise his mistake" I said and we got into our street.

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How do you feel about Zoe converting into a christain?


1138 words.

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