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Ava Anderson

I heard some movement after a while before his retreating steps went further away from the bed. The door opened and closed with a loud bang.

I let out a sigh of relieve flicking my eyes opened, the door was closed and there was no sign of anyone in the room. I sat up on the bed still watching the door knob incase the said man decides to enter again.

"God, what have I entered?" I muttered under my breath. I was not expecting an answer but an answer what was I got.

"Into the den of Dante" The same voice was earlier spoke. I screamed while trying to scurry away from the bed but my legs got tangled in the sheets.

The man from before was leaning against the wall, arms crossed with a smirk of his face. It was the same man who had entered the kitchen earlier today.

In an attempt to get away, I fell off the bed with my back. The pain did not register till I heard the man laughing.

Like who laughs at someone being in pain?

The door reopened as Marco and an unfamiliar man rushed into the room. Marco sighed once he saw it was the man who scared me before glaring at him.

"Dante, I said not to disturb her" Marco hissed out. He marched over to where I was to remove my legs that were still stucked under the sheets.

"You said she was probably asleep so I came to see her" Dante replied with a bored tone.

"Key word, probably" The man who entered to Marco spoke, I stared strangely at him. He looked oddly familiar but I could not place where I had seen him.

Dante walked out of the room mumbling some words, the other man followed thereafter.


Two hours

For two hours, I've been sitted on this small couch since Marco left me doing nothing but staring at the wall. There was nothing else to do but that.

Marco left a book he got from his library in which I began reading but then curiosity got the better of me and I checked the ending and found out that the protagonist died.

I hate books with sad ending.

It was like a common habit for me to read the ending of a book before even starting it. Call me whatever, but I cry alot even though it's for fiction characters.

My bladder needed to offload itself. Opening one of the two doors in the room, I found my self in a closet. A closet that was not mine but had all my clothes in it. There was no one else but Marco who had the key to my apartment so he was the one who got it.

Since Zoe has been hospitalized.

There was also a possibility that Marco had given Mr sniper the key to my apartment.

Closing the door behind me, I pushed opened the other. I was met with the most beautiful restroom I have ever seen. A full walled mirror stood beside the sink.

I quickly used the toilet not wasting much time. The problem I had right now was how to operate the tap, there were buttons on the sink one I have never seen in my life.

The cute blue drawer near the sink caught my attention. It had three different draw just like the one in the room. Most of the feminine stuffs inside the drawers were what I use at home.

Then again, it was Marco's doing.

I stepped back into the room. A young lady in a maid gown stood nervously by the door. She was way shorter than me, her blonde hair was packed neatly behind in a bunch making her round face look cute.

If I have an encounter with her after now, her name would be 'baby face'

"Ma'am. Your meal have been prepare, should I bring it up here?" She asked. Compared to her shaking figure, her voice was firm.

"I will be down, go ahead" I said nodding to the door. I was definitely not going to eat a meal that was not prepared in my eye. These people could easily kill me and it was most likely that to police won't look for me.

The moment I exited the room, I regretted not following the maid. The hallway was partitioned into left and right.

I was engrossed in my conversation with Marco while coming into the room and I had no idea which way to go. I walked to the right, if it is the wrong way then I'm going to turn back.

The walk seemed endless as I passed doors after doors yet there was no staircase in view. Halting in my steps, I heard the sound of two voice speaking.

It was coming from inside the black door I was standing in front of. I was not the kind of person to be listening to someone's conversation but you should expect nothing else when you hear your name in the talk.

I placed my ear on the door, making sure my body was not leaning against it incase the door was not closed.

"I have to tell her why she's here" A deep yet smooth voice spoke. I found myself leaning further into the door to hear what the response is going to be.

"Let her rest first" This time it was Marco speaking.

I jumped away from the door once I heard footsteps coming from the hall way. Rushing down, I walked away pretending like I was going to my room.

My right leg hit the left, my body stumbled forward with the help of my socks. I groaned as I landed face flat on the cold tiles, pain rocketing through my nose.

Today is a bad day.

Slowly lifting my face upward, my face came in contact with a pair of shoes. Without looking up I knew the shoes belonged to Dante except everyone in the mafia wears the same shoe.

He bent forward offering me an hand before pulling me to a standing position. I came in contact with a smiling Dante who looked like he had just won a medal.

I pulled away from his hold flashing a smile as a way to say thank you. His was creepy making me fidget with my fingers while moving two steps backward.

"We have not formally met since Marco decided to make me look like the bad guy. I'm Dante by name but as my baby sister you are permitted to call me Dan or Dant or Darling, some people call me Danny boy but you can call me daddy" He winked at the last of his numerous names he said.

I'm still not believing that he's Mr Sniper assistant, he acts immature for his age based on the last encounter I had with him and this.

"The name's Ava and that is what you are permitted to call me. No nickname" I said making sure to exaggerate the nickname.

"Whatever. You should be in the dining room" He stated, his eyes drifted above my shoulder looking at something, most likely someone.

1200 words

Book cover: adejumoadedayo, Check out his new work.

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