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Ava Romano

George was a great man, he made the place lovely by telling tales of Lorenzo and Marco's childhood which made Enzo frown most of the time. His grandmother was quiet the whole time but I coukd feel her burning gaze at the side of my head, it was making me self conscious to be sincere.

She cleared her throat gaining our attention "So Ava, what do you do for a living?" She asked taking a sip of water from her glass.

"I'm a nurse" I answered while smiling. Enzo placed his hand on my thigh, it was as if he knew that the questions coming was inevitable.

She scoffed "I hate nurses it I'll ignore that. How old are you and when did you meet my son?" I stopped earing at the last question, we planned not to tell her anything about the contract because Enzo said she won't approve the marriage.

I couldn't lie about when we met some I decided to go with the truth.

"I'm twenty one and I met your single two months ago" I answered while staring at her nose to avoiding any format of eye contact. She remained silent for some time probably, y trying to detect a lie in what my answer.

"You are still a child. How could you marry a man you met two months ago. I don't want to hear anything about love at first sight, that lead my daughter to an early grave" She stated. Enzo tensed with the way his posture became rigid, I squeezed his hand resting mine on his.

"I'm sorry about the death of your daughter. Ours is surely not love at first sight but there's a bond that brought us together" I responded before picking up the nearest napkin to wipe the corners of my lips.

There was no need to elaborate on the bond which was the contract. I finally summoned the courage to look up at her eyes which was narrowed on my hand in Enzo's. I had no thought of removing it anytime soon.

"You are bold" She nodded "I hope you are not after my grandson's money, girls like yo-"

"That's enough" I flinched as Enzo slammed in other fist on the table, George crossed his arms over his chest, he was enjoying the drama.

His grandmother refused to back down, the tiny glint in her eyes today me she was not done with the questioning any time soon. I was given an heads up before coming here but I didn't expect our meeting to be like this.

"I apologise if I went to far, I was only looking out for him. So when am I'm expecting great grand kids?" She smirked staring straight at me.

I choked on the piece of meat I was chewing, Enzo brought a glass of water to my lips, I took slow gulps trying to pass time. That question got me off guard, we had just gotten married and are trying to build our relationship as a couple.

"When we are ready. We are focusing on other things right now" Enzo answered saving me from thinking of one. That was the perfect answer, it left her wanting for more.

"What are you both waiting for?, when I got married the next thing I did was get pregnant" I cringed at how casually she said it. Enzo had told me about a week ago that she was a traditional woman. When her husband was alive, she ruled over him and made almost all the decisions without seeking his.

"Marriage can only be strengthened by love and companionship grandma, not by having children like you think" Enzo replied again, I caught unto the warning in his tone. His grandma glared at him not liking the response but she didn't push further.

"So..." She began taking a sip of her wine, her eyes focused on me "Are you a religious person, if yes, what religion?" I breath out a sigh of relieve.

"Yes, I'm a Christian who believes in the existence of God" She nodded suprised by my response, she was most likely think of what I don't want to know.

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