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Lorenzo Romano

"The chief of the Italian police was found dead in his office last night,  a note with the Romano's name was found of his dead body. We should be expecting the police soon" Dante informed me whilst glancing at his wrist watch.

"What?" That was not from me, it came from Ava." She stepped forward as if trying to protect me.

"How much time do we have?" I asked Dante. I needed to know if they were already on their way here so as to cover up some things.

"The estate gates was opened to let them in about five minutes ago, we should be hearing their stupid siren in just about now" Dante answered, I could already hear the low sound of the distant siren.

What sort of set up was this?

They have no right to come on the day I got married, they should have given us time to prepare. The only reason Dante knew of them coming here was because we have people working for us in the police.

"Let them into the building. Whatever they want they won't get" I stated taking Ava's hand in mine. Her face was ashen with her skin becoming pale, she opened her mouth and closed it continously trying to say something.

I was not happy seeing her like this.

"Alice, take Ava and sofia to my room, do not come out until we get this all cleared out" I commanded.

"No" Ava hissed pulling her hand away from mine, I immediately felt the warmth leaving and so much wanted to pull her back in if not for the situation at hand.

"This is not something you should be involved in, Ava " I said trying to persuade her, her expression showed she was giving in anytime soon, the same goes for me.

"I have equal tight as you right now and we are all in this together. Tell me, did you kill him or not?" Her voice was hard and full of confidence but I could see confusion written all over her face.

I was shocked that she asked that question. It was not her fault since all the rumours she had heard about me was not good, I just never thought she could think of me that way.

"No" One word.

From my line of sight, Alice took Sofia who was struggling against her hold away. Dante looked like he wanted to crack one of his numerous jokes but my expression had him shutting it in.

"I believe you but how was hour name found around his dead body?" She questioned, I didn't fail to miss how she took a step backwards away from me.

"I may have killed before Van but I don't do it for fun, those I killed deserved it. What makes you think I would be foolish to leave an evidence in a crime scene?, can't you see that this was a set up?, that someone is trying to put us in danger?" I asked calmly trying to control the anger I so much wanted to release. I was angry at the fact that someone wants to put us in danger and I don't even know who.

I felt useless.

"From my point of view, the pan is to get rid of Lorenzo so as to get to you, Ava. This is not the time for questioning" Dante spoke. I would have thanked him if not for the lollipop he was locking.

"I'm sorry" Ava stated.

"Fine, you can stay. Please don't answer any of their questions, if possible act like a deaf and dumb" I replied.

"I'm not deaf or dumb." She said crossing her hand over her chest. I rolled my eyes at her, she was looking for a way to bring up another argument which I was so not ready for.

A knock came to the door before it was opened, Marco stepped in followed by two other police men. The first smirk thinking we were caught by suprised, I wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

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