Chapter 41: Saccharine

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Claire had good taste in cafes, Naomi noted as they hustled through the door to avoid the sudden rain. Despite the dreary atmosphere outside, the interior of the cafe felt bright and cheery. Pink and yellow hues in their decor lent themselves to happiness and comfort. Things that Naomi didn't know she craved until recent events led her to the realization.

How had she not seen the happiness on a child's face before? How had she not wanted the same feeling that created the glee in a couple's behavior? Had she been so sheltered, so closed off, that she had gone numb to the small happinesses around her?

Had she been led to believe that people were too troublesome, when in fact she should have seen them as friends and helpers all along?

Claire nudged Naomi's shoulder with her own. "Go find a seat. I'll place the order. What do you want to drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"Tea is fine." Naomi nodded her head, trying to convince herself that this rebellious little excursion wouldn't change anything. She had been happy up until now. Hadn't she?

Claire grasped Naomi's shoulders, spun her around, and gave a little push. "Great. Go find seats!"

Naomi didn't have the energy to argue with Claire. Claire seemed more excited about making Naomi try all sorts of new desserts than Naomi was about eating them.

Desserts made rare appearances in Naomi's life. They weren't allowed in the house, unless they were comprised of organic fruit ingredients. No sugar.

Business dinners offered desserts more times than not, but who could eat when their mother stared from across the room? Besides that, a nervous stomach didn't hold sugar well.

Thus, Naomi found herself here, in a dessert cafe, surrounded by the smell of pastries and the flair of normalcy. Normal people had probably tried a whole array of desserts by the time they reached Naomi's age.

I'm just curious, Naomi assured herself. Eating a dessert or two didn't mean she had given up on The Plan or derailed her whole life's mission.

A corner table caught Naomi's eye, so she slid into the seat nearest the corner. Claire never seemed to mind much where they sat, so Naomi figured she wouldn't say much about it this time, either.

As Naomi had assumed, Claire didn't say a word about it. She merely bounced over to the table, all tall boots and short skirt, and took her own seat.

"It'll be out in a minute."

Naomi nodded again, this time simply to assure Claire that she was listening.

Claire leaned her elbows on the table and nestled her chin in her palms. "So... are you excited?"


"Of course!" Claire sat tall, her hands splaying out over the table. "Little Miss Perfect is about to try rebelling for the first time! And it involves sweet delicacies. Aren't you excited about it?"

Naomi didn't remember the last time she felt excitement. Somewhere along the line, life had become a loop. She only traveled from one doldrum to another.

This? The thought of tasting something new, of experiencing something new, made Naomi's palms sweat and her heart race a little faster. Was this excitement? Naomi usually associated these symptoms with fear or guilt. However... this time...

"Actually... I think I am excited," Naomi confessed.

"You should be!" Claire beat her hands on the table like an exuberant toddler. "Wait until you see all the things I ordered. We're going to be so high on sugar later."

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