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Soleil bowed to the audience, and yet again another great performance was completed by following what was rehearsed

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Soleil bowed to the audience, and yet again another great performance was completed by following what was rehearsed. By doing that, her father has to let her go to the arcade now. Aerial silks weren't easy but, Sol made them look flawless.

Once the curtains closed, Soleil followed the Ringmaster backstage. Desperately asking for his permission to go out.

"Dad, please—Cassandra can come with me, I won't be alone!"

"No Soleil."

"Why not?"

"What? My word isn't enough now?"

"You didn't even give me a good reason."

The Ringmaster placed his top hat on a vanity table backstage, he turned to face his daughter. His gaze intimidated her, ever since childhood. "Listen to me, no means no understand? I will let you know when you can go out but right now it is not an option."

"Dad, I-I gave my best out there and I thought—"

He raised his voice. "You thought wrong again, Soleil I'm very busy here, we cannot keep doing this."

"Okay. I get it, not today..." She lost her confident posture and now drooped her shoulders.

"Good." Her father looked at the floor, a bunch of sequins from her magician-themed leotard trailed behind her. "Looks like you have a wardrobe malfunction, you should go see the designer." Now, her father walked far from her.

She threw down the sparkly black top hat she had on and sat down on the ground, against some random light fixture backstage. Soleil ran a hand through her hair which was formed into an afro that framed her face well. The girl felt like storming out right there and then but before she could, she saw a hand in front of her.

When she looked up, she saw Cassandra, or Cassie as she affectionally called the woman who was like her mother. She took her hand and Cassie pulled her up.

"Cassie. What are you doing?" The woman pulled Sol away from backstage where many performers still were. Cassie took her to the back of the main Circus tent. Soleil thought Cassie's hearing aid had died for a quick second till the woman spoke.

"Last night I went on my nightly walk and guess what I saw?"

Sol's face lost all color, well this was it. Her fun with Eddie was over before she knew it and so was her entire existence.

"You dressed up, hoping over the fences. Explain Sol."

"I, uh, damn. Look, Cassie, I was just tired of being here all day, all I do is sleep, eat, and work myself half to death with barely a moment to even listen to some music. That's why I wanted to ask my dad if I could go out today but he says no like he always does." She felt her jaw lock. "All he does is try and prevent something we all know is gonna happen so what then? I don't deserve a good life till then?"

THE BURN - AN EDDIE MUNSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now