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For once, Soleil finally got out of the Circus without sneaking off

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For once, Soleil finally got out of the Circus without sneaking off.

Cassandra had managed to convince the Ringmaster that going outside would be good for her health and that they could exercise at the park. Soleil loved Cassandra for a reason.

Sol drove with Cassandra and some of the other dancers to the park to get a good morning's workout in. They swapped their performance outfits out for t-shirts and sneakers. Soleil did a front flip as she waited for Cassie to change her hearing aid battery. From what she told Sol, it was a hereditary thing and it happened to her so suddenly.

"Alright Sunny, you ready to run?"

Sol pulled her sneaker laces tight. "Yep, ready and happy to be outside without sneaking away."

"I know you are." The two started to jog along a path, leaving the other dancers to do some stretches.

"You know how I met your father Sol?"

"Not really, not like he would tell me."

"My family weren't the best of people, all of them, every single one of them criminals. I ran because I didn't want to be a part of that."

Their running slowed down to walking so they could talk. "Criminals?"

"Yeah, I know it sounds weird. Anyway, I was essentially living on the streets till Everett, so young at the time found me and took me in. Helped me discover what I was good at and so I made a living in the Circus. That's why I stuck with him even with how he acts, trust me I don't like it either."

"How come you're telling me this?" Sol couldn't help to ask.

"Getting there. You know about your first sister, Adelaide correct?"

"Of course."

"Well since Adelaide was the first child, he was much less harsh than he is now and what happened was the reason why he's like that..." She paused. "I'll tell you why he's scared Sunny."

"He doesn't seem scared to me, more like angry."

"Being scared does make someone angry Sol and the reason he's angry is that you're like Adelaide. All your other siblings did what they were told and only used their abilities during shows but, Adelaide wasn't having that. She was free-spirited like you are, your dad thinks he failed her and he still does think that."

Soleil looked down, so her father was scared to let her out of his sight. It made sense, you wouldn't be alright if you're children kept dying and you couldn't do anything about it. All she wished for was that he would let her go out happy.

Cassie held her shoulder. "I'm not saying that you shouldn't be mad about how he's treating you but, I didn't want you to be left without a little bit of reasoning."

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