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4 months later...

Tony eventually recovered from every cut and bruise he endured from Steve, Steve, and Natasha with only a couple of scars to remind him of what happened. Nonetheless, everyone was back on track, and everything was getting to be back to normal.

Until the compound got a phone call...

Tony heard the phone ring and answered it, "Avengers Tower, you're talking to Tony Stark," he told them.

"Stark", Fury said on the other side of the line, with a tone that scared Tony. "I'm not liking that tone Nick, is there an issue," Tony replied.

"One don't call me Nick, two, put me on the phone with my agent," Fury told him sternly.

Ever since Natasha got pregnant the compound had been trying to keep her away from Fury, because they all knew he would kill Steve. She's still been going on missions, but anything physical Fury needed was brought in by Clint or Steve, and all meetings had been handled over the phone. 

Tony looked around, comprehending his options, "I'm sorry put you on the phone with who?" Tony asked because his best option was to play it dumb

"Stark I'm not playing these games, put me on the phone with my agent," Fury replied.

Tony looked and saw Clint across the room, "Oh you want to talk to your agent, I can do that. Yeah Barton's right here," Tony said while handing the phone to Clint.

Clint took the phone and motioned to Tony, trying to figure out who was on the other line, "This is Clint Barton, who the hell is this".

"Barton put Romanoff on the phone right now," Fury losing his patience.

Clint stupidly replied, "I'm sorry who is this?"


Clint told Fury, "Oh, is this Fury, you know Fury I don't know where Romanoff is, but you know who might? Barry. So I'm gonna hand you over to him and I'll see you later".

"Oh please no" Fury tried to get out before the phone was yet again handed off.

"Yello," Barry answered the phone.

"Allen, great," Fury groaned.

"Oh, hey Fury great of you to call, I've really been meaning to talk to you lately".

"I didn't call you Allen, I called Stark looking for Romanoff."

Fury's comment sent Barry into a panic, "Oh you're looking for Romanoff, like Natasha, oh yeah uh, I don't think she's home at the moment, maybe try again tomorrow, or in 4-5 months," and with that Barry hung up the phone.

Tony threw his hands over his head, "Allen there's no way you just hung up on Fury".

"Yeah we're dead," Clint added.


*S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters*

Fury looked around confused as to why the hell he just got hung up on.

"Maria get someone to prep the jet to take me to Starks," he told Maria Hill.

"Already on it," Maria replied.


*Avengers Compound*

Caitlin comes running upstairs, "Guys why is Nick headed to the compound right now".

"SHIT!," Clint yelled, "Where are Steve and Nat?"

"They're upstairs in their room I think," Caitlin responded concerned.

"Somebody find Kara and stake her out in front of their door, Fury's on his way, and once he finds out why Natasha's been out for the past 5 months, he's going out for Steve's blood," Clint panicked.

10min later, Fury landed on the rooftop of the compound and Cisco got the notification on his ipad.

"Nick," Tony greeted him at the door.

"Out of my way Stark"

Tony marched upstairs to Steve and Natasha's bedroom and was met by Kara at the doorway.

Fury pulled out a dart gun, "Danvers if you know what's good for you, you'll move out the way".

Kara knew Fury was one of the few people on Earth with a stash of kryptonite, and easily moved out the way.

Fury opened the door and saw Natasha laying on Steve's shoulder, then noticed her stomach.

"Rogers," Fury said calmly.

Natasha closed her book and lifted her head from Steve's shoulder as he stood up slowly and walked towards Fury, "Nick", he said as calmly as his shaken voice allowed him to.

Kara yelled down from the balcony, "Yeah code red, code red, someone prep the med bay please!"

Everyone was downstairs moving back and forth while Steve and Fury remained in their same spots.

"Rogers I told you, what would happen if anything happened to my agent, my BEST agent, anything means ANYTHING," Fury still commented with a frightening calm tone but enunciating every word.

"She's perfectly fine Nick," Steve stupidly replied as he pointed to Natasha on the bed

"My best agent is about to be completely out of the field Steve, does that sound fine to you," Fury's voice started to rise.

"Yeah and in 4 months you'll get her back," Steve quickly replied.

Fury pulled his gun out of his back pocket and pointed it at Steve, "I warned you, Rogers" he said.

Natasha stood up and started walking towards Fury, "Ok Nick, just hand me the gun," but Fury had already made up his mind. He pulled the trigger and in one swift movement, Steve collapsed to the floor.

Fury left the room and walked back downstairs as he straightened his jacket, "Danvers, Allen....Barton. Always a pleasure," He tucked his gun back into his back pocket, and Kara, Barry, and Clint all rushed upstairs to keep Natasha calm while Kara rushed her brother downstairs

Kara ran into the room and yelled downstairs, "Guys I think we have a problem," she picked Steve up and rushed him down to the lab.

"We're already prepped for him," Caitlin said as she wheeled Steve into the room, "how long has the kryptonite been in his system," she asked.

"Only like 5 minutes," Kara answered keeping her cool because she knew he would be fine.

It took about 30 minutes and five blood transfusions to get Steve back to how he needed to be, but Fury would be the worst of their problems during Natasha's pregnancy.

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