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December 31st, 1996 (2:34 pm)

Steve sent Clint and Cisco to the jewelry store ahead of him and told everyone else they could start heading back to the compound to get ready for tonight.

Only Steve and Caitlin stayed with Natasha at the hospital, because the Avengers housed some of the greatest minds on the planet, and Caitlin and Cisco had their PhDs, Caitlin was able to convince the hospital to let them take Natasha and the baby home early. While Caitlin finished tests on McKayla, Steve packed everything into the car and woke Natasha up so she could rest in the compound before the party tonight.


When Caitlin, Steve, and Natasha got back to the compound with Mkayla, Caitlin agreed to watch all the kids while Natasha rested so everyone else could set up the proposal without worrying about Natasha finding out.

Steve dropped the bags in his bedroom and then headed out to the jewelry store to meet Cisco and Clint, "How's it going, guys," Steve asked as he walked into the store.

"So we figured, Nat isn't really the big flashy, huge diamond kind of woman, so we found a couple of options that were shiny, bright, but not as flashy," Cisco said as he walked Steve over to the glass case to show him the options.

There was a silver band made of diamonds, but no huge diamond on top.

Another silver band, with a small diamond in a raindrop shape on it.

And a thin silver band with a big heart diamond on it.

"Take your pick, Rogers," Clint said while motioning his hands at the diamond band.

Steve picked up the simple silver, diamond band and brought it to the cashier, "This is the one,".

The cashier boxed the ring up and the boys took the ring and headed to the nearest flower shop to pick up a bouquet of blue roses before heading back to the compound.

When they got back to the compound, Natasha was still sleeping which gave them plenty of time to set everything up. Now all they were waiting for was for Sam and Felicity to return to the compound with a dress for Natasha and a red bow tie for Steve.

(10:00 pm)

Sam and Felicity got back to the compound around 8:30, with a beautiful dark red fitted dress for Natasha, who had just woken up around the time they got back.

Once Natasha was up and moving around, everyone started getting ready for the party, Natasha put on her beautiful red dress and went and held McKayla in her nursery, "I promise you the world and so much more," Natasha spoke lightly to Mkayla as she sighed deeply, still in disbelief that she's a mother.

"Romanoff, could you come in here," Steve called out from their bedroom, which was connected to the nursery. Natasha placed McKayla back in her bassinet (small bed for infants) and walked into her bedroom to see Steve standing by the bed holding the blue bouquet he had bought earlier.

"Wow you look, wow," Steve said as he saw Natasha walk through the doorframe into their bedroom.

Natasha walked up to him and straightened his bow tie as she placed her hand on his chest and looked up at him, "You're not so bad yourself, Rogers,". Steve handed her the bouquet and she placed the flowers on the bed and pulled Steve closer to her by his suit jacket, "What do you say we skip this party, Tony will have another one next week anyways," Natasha pleaded.

Steve brushed Nat's cheek and then kissed it, "Cmon Romanoff, it's a couple of hours then you can come right back up here and we'll finish this," he said, placing his hand on her waist and giving her a hug, "Why don't you go grab Kayla and meet me downstairs," Steve pulled away and pushed Natasha towards the nursery as he reached in his bedside drawer and grabbed the ring box to put in his pocket before going downstairs.

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