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It was starting to get late and everyone had started heading to bed, but Tony still hadn't made it back to the compound yet.

Natasha had still been sitting on the couch waiting to see if Tony would be back, giving her a chance to see him and talk to him because she was worried. Once she noticed he wasn't coming back anytime soon she went to the garage and took one of Tony's cars to his office.

"Hi Natasha," Pepper said as Natasha walked into the building.

"Hey Pep, Tony here?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's been here for the past couple of hours, went into his office, and hasn't come out since. I'm heading out but if you can get in him out of that office everyone who has to be here until he clocks out will thank you," Pepper replied.

Natasha laughed shortly, "I'll try my best," she said as if she was convincing herself.

Pepper was standing in the doorway as she turned back to Natasha, "Oh, and Natasha, congratulations," she said with a smile and walked out the door.

Natasha knocked on the door of Tony's office and when he didn't respond she let herself in, "Stark," she said walking through the door.

Tony saw Natasha as she came inside the door and walked up to her. He cupped her face with his hand almost as if he was going to say something.

Natasha turned her face from Tony's hand and held onto it lowering his hand, "Tony, stop I just came to check on you," she nervously got out.

Tony moved his hand back up to her cheek and brushed it, pulling her into a kiss before she could get another word in.

Natasha pulled away, "Stark, you shouldn't have done that," she spoke softly.

"Then why do I wanna do it again, Romanoff?"

She looked over at his desk and saw a bottle of scotch sitting underneath it, "Great, you're drunk," she said turning back to him and beginning to walk back towards the doorway.


"No, I think it's best if I leave, Tony," Natasha got out before closing the door behind her and going back to the car.

Tony went back to his desk, laying his head down, and stayed the night.


Natasha got back to the compound, went up to her room, and stood up taller as she saw Steve standing in her doorway.

"Where'd you go," he asked as he tucked Natasha's hair behind her ear.

Natasha knew she couldn't tell Steve that she went to go see Tony or he would've freaked out. So she lied, "I just, went out for a drive, cleared my head, this is all still kinda new and shocking to me " she answered.

Steve laughed, "You know for a trained assassin, you're a horrible liar. You went to see Tony didn't you," he asked.


"Nat, I'm not mad, really I'm not".

"I had to check on him Rogers, you know I did".

"And I also know he's not your responsibility Nat, he's gonna have to deal with it, whether he likes it or not".

"Yeah, Steve, and I'm gonna deal with this however I feel like, whether you like it or not".

"I know that, just, tell me what happened when you went to his office Nat?"


"What happened when you went to Tony's office?"

"Goodnight Steve," Natasha said as she backed into her room and closed the door on Steve. Steve leaned his head toward to touch her door, "C'mon Nat, don't," he paused, "don't be like that".

Natasha reopened her door and stood in front of Steve, "Steve, nothing happened, I went to check on him and nothing else, now go to sleep," she said as she kissed his cheek and went to re-close the door.

"Nat," Steve said as he put his hand in the door right before it closed, "Steve if you jump in front of my door one more time, Tony won't be your only problem," she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Nat, I want you to know I'm all in if you are," he finished.

Natasha smiled at him, fake or not it looked sincere, "Steve, you know I've been all in from the beginning," she replied and finished closing the door.


*knock* *knock*

Kara opened her bedroom door, "Steve, I love you and all, but it's like the middle of the night what the hell could you possibly want," she said half awake.

Steve took a deep breath before his response, "I think something happened between Nat and Tony". Kara's face turned pale and she looked wide awake, "Ok, come on in," she said opening her door to him, "Mon-el isn't here right now he promised Winn he would help him out with something".

Kara sat at the end of her bed and Steve sat in the chair across from her, "Ok start from the beginning," Kara said maybe a bit too intrigued.

"When Tony stormed out of the living room after our announcement, he went to his office, hoping to knock some common sense into himself," Steve's tone got sterner, "I think Nat took her car and ran after him," He finished.

Kara wanted to believe her brother, but at the same time, she knew how paranoid Steve had always been about Natasha and Tony and didn't know if his imagination was getting the best of him.

"Ok Steve, even if all of that is true, how do you know if something happened between them," Kara asked.

"I guess there's only one way to find out," he said as he looked up at Kara. Kara quickly objected, "No, No, No, I'm not getting in Nat's head, wouldn't even think about it," she declined.

Steve called her down, "Ok Kara chill, that's not what I was gonna say, I knew you would never do it, you're gonna get in Wandas' head," he told her as if it made sense.

Kara's face had a concerned look, "Steve is this one of those plans that are a lot more confusing and unnecessary than they need to be".

"Maybe," he responded.


Tony got back to the compound very very late/early, before 5 am early and went into Natasha's room. Natasha heard her door open and grabbed the pistol from under the pillow next to her, pointing it at the doorway. "Tony," she said dazed as she lowered the gun, "What are you doing in here?"

Tony started pacing back and forth, "I-I-I can't eat, can't sleep, I don't know what's wrong with me," he said shaking. Natasha got out of bed and stood in front of him, holding onto his shoulders, "Tony, breathe," she said calmly.

Tony lifted his head and his eyes stood on Natasha as he leaned in and kissed her, pushing her back on her bed. Natasha leaned into the kiss and started unbuttoning Tony's shirt, she had one button left when she pushed him off of her, stood up, and placed her hand over her forehead, "You have to go, Tony, I'm sorry, really sorry, but you have to go," she said as if the great Natasha Romanoff had felt a moment of regret and pain.

Tony got off of her but didn't leave the room he just stood in front of her as her eyes looked glassy, "TONY GET OUT," she shouted to him.

Tony scurried out of the room and Natasha fell back onto her bed with her hands pressed against her face. 

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