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Ding dong, bing bong 

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..." I heard Monokuma speak loudly. 

Had the day already ended? It felt like it had just started...oh jeez, it's already been two days since I disappeared, why was there still no sign we were going to escape yet? Just how useless were the people I was stuck with? Had they no brain in those heads of theirs? I truly couldn't do anything but get ready to go to bed, so as my eyes grew heavy, the conversation I had with Makoto and Sayaka replayed in my mind. 

I won't deny that I think Sayaka has been through a lot, but even with everything that she had confided in Makoto and I about her life, I couldn't bring myself to see myself in her shoes, everyone must've liked Sayaka, someone so pretty and charming in her own way must have had her life paved the day and second she breathed, those people irritate me more than anything, hmm, that was quite inaccurate, there is always one thing that will irritate me more than those privileged, money-hungry, assholes...but I feel like that is a story for another time. I shut my eyes and did my best to drift to sleep, trying not to think of the way tomorrow may go. I felt my breathing grow even as my chest rose and fell slowly, doing my best to try and not think about whatever was doing to happen in the early hours of the morning. 






"...Hngh?" I muttered, slowly getting up from my bed, was it...time to get up already? I slowly walked to the bathroom, doing my what would be normal early-morning routine. As I was slowly stirred awake I thought, what was that dream that I had all about? It all seemed...rather strange. Once I was done refreshing myself, I walked to my room and sat on my bed, trying my best to compose myself before anything, I don't want to be like Sayaka in the sense that I easily crack under pressure. 

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" I shut off my mind when the voice of Monokuma ran through my room. 

So...I guess it's time then, right? Okay then, I can do another day of this, easy peasy. 

Ding Dong

I raised my head when the sound of a doorbell ran through my ears, I jumped to my feet and walked over to the door, instantly getting a face-full of a loud and annoying fellow. "A fantastic morning, isn't it!?" Taka yelled, looking overly enthusiastic. "I...suppose it is, what do you want?" I asked him. "Now then, if you'll pardon the interruption...!" Without any sort of warning, I watched as Taka barged into my room. "Eh? I...never expected you to be so forward with your feelings, Taka. I'm impressed." I told him, waiting for a charming response back. "That is one of my best qualities, being forward is the best way to go! Now, for the reason I came here... No matter how intensely the stormy seas may batter me, I will not fall as long as my feet are firmly planted! You agree, right?" Taka asked me. 

Aaand he goes back to sucking, I mean- he has some sort of charm to him, I'll give him that. "Ah, I don't think I quite understand, can you explain it to me? I'm...sure I would love to listen to that voice of yours." I hummed. "But of course! If you can't do it alone, just find someone to support you, and you can support them back! That's how you can overcome any storm! I was thinking about it last night, and...I decided we all need to really come together. And that's when I realized... Every morning from now on, after the morning announcement, everyone should have breakfast together! And now is the beginning of that fateful day! Please head to the dining hall at your earliest convenience! That's all for now! I have to go let everyone else know the good news!" Taka didn't even wait for a reply, he simply just turned and left before I could say anything. 

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