Investigation 1

376 11 2

Y/N POV: "Just like I explained before, you must kill someone if you want to leave. However...even if you do that, there's still one more part to the agreement you have to uphold, remember?" Monokuma told us. "You are referring to rule number six of the school regulations... If you are the 'blackened' that committed the murder, you can't be found out by the other students. That is what you are talking about, is it not?" Celeste told the bear. "Bingo! It's not enough to just kill someone. You have to actually get away with it! Which naturally means you need a system in place to assess whether or not it's been gotten away with! So, a certain amount of time after a murder has taken place, a class trial will begin!" Monokuma yelled. "A class trial?" Makoto muttered. "Yup! It'll begin a few hours after the murder! Everyone will gather together, including the blackened who committed the murder. And they and the spotless students will all engage in one big debate showdown! During the trial, you'll have to present your arguments about who you think the blackened is. And once everything comes to an end, the outcome will be decided by popular vote! If the answer you've arrived at is correct...only the one that disturbed your peace will be punished. The rest may continue their communal life. However...if you choose poorly...then the one who got away with murder will survive, and the rest of you will receive your punishment. Which of course means your school life will come to an end! As far as class trial rules go...that's all there is to it!" Monokuma exclaimed. 

"So, um...what exactly is this 'punishment' you keep talking about...?" Hifumi sweat dropped. "Oh! Well, to put it simply... It's execution!" Monokuma yelled. "E-Execution!?" Hifumi yelled in shock. "And by execution, you mean..." Chihiro muttered, getting more quieter as he spoke. "Execution is...execution. Ex-e-cution! Electric chair, bzzt bzzt! Poison gas, cough cough! Torn apart like a paper place in a hurricane!" Monokuma clarified for us. "S-So, to make sure I understand... If we get the culprit right, then only they die. But if we get it wrong...all the rest of us get...executed?" Taka questioned. "What a smart little chimpanzee you are! Look at you, implying you didn't do it without actually saying it! So it's basically what the outside world calls a 'Lay judge' system, or an inquisition-type thing! Which means you'll be deciding who you think the killer is. But judge carefully, because all your lives are on the line! Okay, let me just add the rule I just described to your handbook. Make sure you keep it in mind!" Monokuma told us. 

"W-Wait, hold on a second! You're freaking insane, you know that!?" Junko yelled at the bear angrily. "Hmm?" Monokuma hummed in response, tilting his head to the side. 

"A class trial? What the hell is that!? I don't want anything to do with it!" Junko said. "Why not?" Monokuma questioned. "Whaddya mean why not!? Why do I have to waste my time trying to figure out who murdered someone!?" Junko yelled. "What!? Are you saying you're not gonna participate in the trial!? Only punishment awaits such blasphemy!" Monokuma argued. "What? Punishment!?" Junko sweat dropped. "I might...I dunno, throw you in a deep, dark, scary prison or something!" Monokuma told the girl. "Shut the hell up! Say whatever you want, I'm not gonna be part of this!" Junko yelled back. "Don't be so selfish!" Monokuma argued. "You're the one being selfish! Kill whoever you want, it's got nothing to do with me!" Junko pointed out. "The evil standing here before me... I'm trembling with fear...! But I won't give in to such evil! It's my style to stick it out and resist till the very end...! If you really wanna get out of'll have to go through me first!" As Monokuma yelled, he came charging at us. Although it was kinda hard to stop myself from laughing whilst looking at a foot-and-a-half-tall bear waddling at me with its arms in the air... But then. "Gyumeh!" Monokuma yelped out as Junko's foot latched itself onto his metal face. "Are you enjoying yourself now?" Junko asked him. 

"Are you?" Monokuma sneered. 

"Huh?" Junko muttered, sounding confused. "Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is not allowed. You've violated a school regulation... I invoke the mighty summon spell! Help! To me, godly spear Gungnir!" Monokuma cried out, in an instant, my vision flashed red...I watched- no...everyone watched as poles flew from out of nowhere straight into Junko's body, impaling her from every visible angle, I couldn't help but have my mouth open agape as I watched blood drip from Junko's mouth, a look of horror spreading across her face as she twitched from where she stood. 

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