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Y/N POV: I looked over to my side to see Toko fiddling with her hands and looking around anxiously. "Hey, Byakuya...Toko looks like she wants to say somethin'." I alerted him. "So? Why are you telling me?" Byakuya asked. "Well, cuz you said you told her to shut her piehole! Or...something like that." I reminded him. "Ah. I'd forgotten about that." Byakuya hummed. "Jesus, man! I know you like torturing her, but come on!" Hiro exclaimed. "Well, Toko. If you want to envelop us all in your putrid breath, I won't stop you." Byakuya sighed. "Y-You honor me, Master... And d-don't worry... I took care of the o-odor problem..." Toko blushed. "Hahaha, seriously!? You're just gonna take it?" Hiro laughed. "Sh-Shut up! And don't interrupt me when M-Master and I are talking!" Toko yelled angrily. "...Okay, so, what did you want to tell us?" Hina asked Toko. "Well, I was in a c-classroom on the 5th floor, and s-something caught my attention... It was...th-this." Toko muttered as she took out a large steel knife. For a minute, I had thought that it was my knife that I had back in my room, but it took me a few seconds to piece out the actual shape and material of the object, sighing in relief, that definitely wouldn't have looked good for me. 

"Whoa, that thing is huge! It's like, Rambo size!" Hina cried out. "It's a survival knife of some type..." Byakuya hummed. "But...what was it doing in a classroom?" I questioned. "How would I kn-know...?" Toko muttered. "What're you gonna use that knife for...? What're you planning to do to us!?" Hiro yelled. "I'm not g-gonna do anything! I j-just picked it up! I didn't wanna leave a kn-knife just laying around..." Toko argued. "I'd rather have it laying around than in the hands of a serial killer!" Hiro exclaimed. "D-Don't compare me to...her! I'm n-nothing like her!" Toko cried out. "Yeah! Leave Toko alone!" I yelled at Hiro angrily. "Listen, more important... Now that we have the knife, what are we gonna do with it?" Hina questioned. "We can't let Toko keep it, that's for sure. We dunno what she might do..." Hiro muttered. "I don't w-want it anyway! It's too dangerous..." Toko grumbled. "Hmm...so what to do...?" Makoto muttered, tapping his foot. "Why don't you hang on to it, Makoto?" Kyoko suggested. "Huh? Me!?" Makoto exclaimed. "Oh yeah, Makoto, you should definitely take care of it!" I agreed. "Then that's that!" Hina yelled. "H-Hold on! Don't I get a say!?" Makoto questioned. "It just shows how much they trust you. You should do as they ask." Byakuya told him. "Okay, s-so here you go, Makoto..." Toko muttered as she handed Makoto the knife. 

Makoto throughout all of this looked very hesitant, even nervous...and yet he still took that final leap and accepted the knife from Toko. "F-Fine..." Makoto mumbled. "Anyway, th-that's all I wanted to say..." Toko said. "Hey, Toko." Byakuya spoke up. "Ah! D-Do I still have bad b-breath!? Sorry sorry sorry! I'm sorry it stinks! I'm sorry it stinks! I'm sorry-!" Toko profusely apologized. "You made a valuable discovery. Good job." Byakuya told the girl. "Huh...? Huh...? Huh...? Did Master just...p-praise me?" Toko muttered, her mouth agape. "Hey, good for you!" Hina congratulated the girl. "Totally! It only took you weeks worth of abuse, but still, good for you!" I told her. "Ng...! NgaaAAaAhh! I-I'm dreaming... I must b-be dreaming! Ahh...that I would ever e-experience such a dream... Aha... Ahahahahahaha! I feel...s-strange...! Ahaha...so strange...! R-Really strange! Oh no...! Aha...hyah...hyeehahaehae!" Toko cried out, laughing. "Whenever I look at Toko these days, it makes me feel...sad." Hiro muttered. I can't wait for the day Toko grows out of this nonsense, it's just so exhausting to watch every single day. "Well...there's a big garden up on the 5th floor. And I found more than one thing to be worried about... A stupidly large plant, a chicken coop, and-I know what you're gonna say, but...a toolshed!" Hiro exclaimed. "Monokuma said that was called a...Monokuma Flower. Even touching it seems dangerous, so we have to be careful." Makoto said. "It's not even called a Monokuma Flower, stupid." I grumbled. "It's totally a man-eating plant! I'm pretty sure it's different from the one that lives in the pipe, though. Anyway, that thing must benefit from the sprinkler system as much as anything else in there..." Hiro said. "Oh yeah. Apparently, the sprinklers come on every morning at 7:30 on the dot. Yeah, remember that! You don't wanna get drenched and catch a cold!" Hiro said. "Well, you don't have to worry. They say idiots never catch colds, ya know." Hina told him. "Of course not! Cuz idiots never get wet!" Hiro exclaimed. "Umm...maybe you're thinking of ducks." I told him. 

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