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Jungkook swore under his breath as he read the closed sign on his usual coffee shop's door.


Can't his day get any better? The fact that he woke up late, only to find his fridge ran out of food. He's in dare need of grocery shopping long time ago.

Jungkook kept a mental reminder to stock his fridge regularly, if he don't want to rush to work with an empty stomach.

It's not like he is that broke or anything, just got a tiny bit lazy. He wondered his parents reaction, for someone who is born to the most coordinated and controlled people, Jungkook surely end up in the far end corner when it comes to being organized

He is a mess.

No, his life is a absolute Boring mess.

He have a boring desk job at Lee corporation, if it's not well paid, he would have walked out long time ago.

He then have to accidentally spill coffee all over his file, only to have to go through the entire process of printing once again.

Not even a tiny Speck of excitement!! God!!! What has his life come to.

He is sure his parents have a far more exciting life than his.

Why his parents? He is sure his neighbour Mrs Wang's cat have a far more exciting life than his. Surely chasing mouse counts more adventurous that attending those boring Sunday classes he is taking.

He literally have no idea how he ended up under Mr Lee. Oh yeah!, his father.

What did his sperm donator said?

"Jeon Jungkook, Mr Lee is someone you should look up to. He is a very respectable gentle man, someone who is aware of his responsibilities and social status,......" and a lot of blah blah blah. That Jungkook almost got a temptation to ask Mr Lee if he is up for adoption, if yes then his father would very much like to have him as a son.

Jungkook is forever thankful to get out of his father's hold. Ever since he got the wind of the news that his father expect him to handle family business, Jungkook tried all sort of things to get away from it. He then believed that he succeeded when he got himself landed on a job in Lee corporation.

Who knew it would turn out like this.

He wished to have his favourite cup of afternoon coffee from his favourite coffee shop sitting in his favourite seat by his favourite window view.

But seeing the closed sign, the day seems nowhere near from stop tormenting him.

He grunted and began to walk the other way. Clutching his bag tight to his arms, Jungkook looked around and spotted the new coffee shop he had been so reluctant to visit.

Well, it's not too bad to try new things, right?

If he badly wanted some change in his life, this is the best time to try it out.

Jungkook sighed as he stepped inside. Like any coffee shop ever, the place reeks of coffee. There's a calming music playing, Jungkook tried to tune out other sounds as he listened to the song.

Jungkook stood in the line behind a mint haired guy in a gray shirt animatedly talking to someone on the phone.

He tapped his shoes on the floor as he waited. The small line that don't seem moving. Not helping at all.

Really not helping at all. If he isn't going to have caffeine in his system right now, he's going to lose it like a nuclear bomb.

Jungkook knew he was right. Patience is not virtue.

Whoever said patience is virtue is bloody wrong.

Jungkook stilled and creased his forehead when he thought he felt a breath on his nape.

Wait, what?

Jungkook jumped when someone pulled him close to a body, arm curling around his waist while the other grabbed him by the throat.

He tried to scream but his voice got muffled by the hand suddenly choking him.

"T-the fudgsh!" Jungkook groaned, thrashing around to knock some sense to whoever dared to touch him like this!

"Follow as I say" said a man's voice beside his ear. Low and threatening but not enough to ground him and his awakening rage.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Like hell he will!

No matter how much he finds his body trapped within the muscled iron grip of arms to be terrifying. Holding him against his will is never appreciated.

Trying to chock him to death is very very much not appreciated.

Jungkook gathered enough strength and jabbed the man with his elbow and when the hands loosened, he turned around and punch him, not giving a thought about the handsome face.

"Ah, shit" the man cursed and waved a hand.

Before Jungkook could even register what happened and run away, another stranger from behind grabbed both of his wrists next second, cuffed him ensuring to put little pressure on it. Jungkook turned his head to the side and narrowed his eyes when he caught sight of the mint haired guy in gray shirt.

The guy who was just casually on the phone seconds ago.

What the fuck is going on!!

"You alright there?" the mint guy asked the handsome guy.

"Yeah, I'm good. Apparently, we're dealing with a brat" the handsome guy spoke sending him a glare.

"Damn right, you are" Jungkook spoke before he could stopped himself.

He didn't know what or how it even happened because the next thing he knew, he blacked out.

So, who do you think this mint guy and handsome guy is??
Next update in one hour☺️

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