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With a renewed power, Jungkook followed V.

“We need to be quick before Lee’s other mens make appearance as backup ” V grumbled and groaned as the sound of a gun making its presence known. Another guard kicked the door down, nearly bruising Jungkook in the face.

“Ah! Shit” Jungkook curled on himself, making sure to shield his head as V tackled the man down.

“Jungkook! Do not lie there! Move!” V yelled, groaning in pain as he received a hard punch to the stomach.

“I can’t! You idiot!” Jungkook tried to stand up but abruptly stopped as the guard pointed the gun at V.

Fucking Banana milk.

Jungkook doesn’t know if it was the adrenaline or the alarm, he didn’t properly register it as he moved and kicked the guard hard on his groin with his knees. The guard screamed in agony as his knees gave out and dropped the gun, which Jungkook was quick to snatch.

Soon, various guards appeared, Hobi and Suga was shooting them, but they keep coming. V and Jungkook fought them as they move forward in the staircase. Technically, it’s just V fighting but yeah.

The blasts and the shouts of command to catch V were overwhelming.

Jungkook can already feel the headache making its way known.

As they reached through the 43rd floor, he stopped for a tad moment. Just a tad moment to get a nice deep breath when suddenly, V was on his back, in pain.

“V!” Jungkook yelled in shock, eyes scanning of any serious injury.

“What the fuck happened, Jeon?” Is V okay?!” Came Jin’s panicked voice.

“’m fine, Jin” V answered immediately but flinching in discomfort.

Jungkook lifted his head up and glared at the guard who shot V. Thankfully, the bullet went through the vest but still quite painful from the impact.

“You stupid asshole!” Jungkook glared, stomping like a queen and attacked.

Jungkook’s hand made contact with the guard's left cheek. The slap sound echoing throughout the area as he slapped him again and again. He gripped the guard’s hair and dragged him to the floor before kicking his gun away from his hands.

“Do not harm my future boyfriend!” he yelled, “How dare you? Where are your manners, huh?” Jungkook slapped the bastard once more, “You’ll regret even pulling that goddamn trigger!”

I’m sorry, your future what?”  Jin’s choking rang through the earpiece while Chim doubled in laughter.

“Darling, that’s enough. We need to go” V pulled him off the guy, taking it upon himself to knock him really really bad.

Jungkook took another quick moment. Inspecting V for anything bad—other than his slightly messy appearance, he looked fine ass.

As they finished up climbing through those staircases, ‘RM voices came, “All threat successfully minimized. You got this V.  Back up will come in fifteen to twenty minutes."

Fucking finally they stopped by the door to the 45th floor, Jungkook took a moment to make himself look decent afterall Lee Dong-Hae is his boss, if you ignore the fact that Jungkook is conspiring with some dangerous mens to kill him.

V pushed open the door and stepped inside, Jungkook tentatively followed him. What greeted them was Lee Dong-Hae sitting casually in his chair, on both his sides were four big ass muscled guards with huge ass guns that sent shivers down Jungkook’s spine.

Is there a chance to back out now. He isn't playing this game. Jungkook seriously wanted to stomp his feet and demand how this is fair, seriously one of those muscled men equal to two normal guard.

Not fair at all.

“Stay back!” V pushed him off behind the door as the guards moved towards them, fully aiming to chock them with their arms.

V worked on disarming them.

Which itself was a hard task.

Out of nowhere one of the guard moved towards Jungkook, he tried to kick him but it was a vain effort.

Jungkook screamed in agony as his foot twisted in an ugly way. The pain shooting up his body as he clutched at it desperately.

This mother fucker.

Next second, V pulled the motherfucker from him and send a bone cracking punch.

"You okay firefly" Hobi's voice came, sounding concerned.

Did he said that he like Hobi.

"Am fine" Jungkook chocked out.

If he suffered any sprain or bone damage, he will kill these bastards with his bare hands.

He is delicate being for god's sake.

I am feeling so happy with stomach full of fried spicy fastfoods and coke😜

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