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“Just go fetch V, Jin” the grey haired genius interrupted before Jungkook could even drop an erupting volcano at him.

Okay, so this handsome guy is Jin

Jungkook nodded, “Yes. Go fetch V and cry to daddy, Jin” he said mockingly.

Jin glared at him, almost at war himself whether to go call whoever V is or give Jungkook a chance to see the light. But fortunately, the former won and he walked out of the room.

“To make things clear, RM here is his daddy, not V” Chim said pointing at the grey haired man, "And Suga here is mine" pointing to the mint haired man, who handcuffed, not something he needed to be reminded again.

And who the fuck is this V, who have a single alphabet as their name.

“And I don’t care” Jungkook huffed, balantly ignoring them.

It only took minutes before Jin reappeared from the doorway, standing outside and letting a man walk in.

“I’ll take it from here” a deep voice spoke,

And when Jungkook gazed at the man, he had practically salivated. If this guy wasn't a kidnapper, his face would be adorning fashion magazine front cover or would be walking in Gucci or dior runway as some top model.

 If this guy wasn't a kidnapper, his face would be adorning fashion magazine front cover or would be walking in Gucci or dior runway as some top model

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No wonder he can't find such handsome mens outside, when all of them took kidnapping as their job.

Coming back to this V guy.

What a sight That he fucking is.

Look at those eyes. Those deep black eyes. Did he said, his favourite color is black?

If this is the man who caught him in the coffee shop,  he would’ve followed him without a word. His presence ought to be intimidating but Jungkook couldn't tear his eyes from those handsome face for his brain to even think anything else.

"Hi, How can I help you today?” Jungkook greeted as if he was greeting someone on the telephone, not hiding the way his eyes are accessing the Greek god infront of him.

Soulmates are real. He can feel it. But first most importantly, business.

“I already told your goons what I know” Jungkook's voice cracked for no apparent reason, “I have five hundred in my bag, three thousand in my bank account, a broken card, and a single diamond ring—

“Drink” the angel spoke, his voice deep and husky with a pinch of evilness that it directly shivers throughout his spine. This man is just death and angel combined… but kidnapper, it's okay, he will overlook that minor fact.

Jungkook wasn’t able to catch the bottle of water thrown in his way because seriously, “My hands are cuffed, bastard”

“Not my fault”

The logic is astounding.

“Hand me the water” Jungkook demanded but V only hummed, “Only if you tell me what you know”

Jungkook shrugged, “Sure. What are we talking about here? Calculus? Physics? English? History? Biology? My body count? My dinner date?—

He considered it as his achievement when V’s lips lifted into a smirk, “Dinner date?”

Jungkook nodded in response, “Yes. Dinner date that’s probably cancelled already. It’s not in my book to ghost someone so can you grab my phone real quick, call Ben and say I have a boyfriend”


“Yes, I mean looking at you, you’re a viable candidate. Wanna email me your CV or what?” Jungkook asked sending a wink towards his possible boyfriend candidate.

Jungkook considered it another achievement when V's smirk grew into an amused grin and he drooled, “Heaven” Jungkook mumbled with a dreamy look.

It is another achievement indeed like fucking hell their romantic boat is sailing already especially when the grin turned into a snort.

“You’re something, huh?” V asked with a amused look on his face.

Jungkook clicked his tongue in disagreement, “If you’re open for applications, I can be, you know, your everything?” Jungkook spoke with sudden seriousness.

Before V could even speak, Sunshine guy spoke, “V, we are on schedule. Extract the information”

Jungkook looked around in confusion. Information? What information? Did he store some nuclear codes somewhere he cannot remember? Is he secretly a Russian spy? He has been leading a peaceful life as a perfect employee in Lee corporation.

“I got it, Hobi hyung”

Ah, so that’s his name. Nice. Hobi nodded his head and went back to prodding the box.

Jungkook returned his eyes to V, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the seriousness now etched in those handsome face.

His eyes bulged out of its socket when V revealed a gun he suddenly conjured out of absolutely nowhere.


Handsome and deadly. What a beautiful combination. V should absolutely add that to his resume for boyfriend post.

It surely is a bonus point.

Jungkook had his eyes glued on the muzzle that stared right back at him. He’s really going to die right? and he didn’t even got the date with Ben yet.


He wouldn't have mind to kiss Ben at the end of their planned expensive Italian restaurant date, that guy was handsome.

He is really going to die virgin!

“Tell me what you know” V asked, his face a blank cold mask.

“About what?!” Jungkook asked pissed off suddenly because seriously, he knows a  lot of things. It’s going to take a lot more than three years if V wants to know every little goddamn thing.

V shrugged, “Tell me what you know about your boss Lee Dong-Hae'

💚This Jungkook is too bad for my heart 💜

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