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Red! Code red! Seal the doors! Red!”

“Aw man, here we go” Jungkook heard Hobi mumble in his earpiece.

Jungkook stood there like a statue as V moved in quick succession. Knocking the man out and grabbing whatever necessary. Walkie talkie, a baton he handed to Jungkook and making sure guard’s out cold.

Fuck, fuck. This is a bad idea. A really bad idea!

"I really hope my life is insured if I die in here, guys!" Jungkook said with conviction.

He jumped as alarms blared off. Noisy and booming all over as Yoongi and Chim spoke rapidly in some code language, All Jungkook could do was curse and prayed to whoever can hear him.

Because this motherfuckers signed him up for his deathbed.

Oh, fuck! He’s becoming a criminal! Real class, Jeon Jungkook.

His father is going to be real proud of his accomplishment.

He can already hear the speech from miles away, that is only if he is going to survive this first.

“This better be worth it” Jungkook mumbled in exhaustion. Though he wouldn’t deny the excitement swimming in his veins, the thrill of doing something crazy like this and plus the added fear of doing this.

Jail time is a time he never wanted. So, this better be successful.

"V, you better buy me an expensive dinner” Jungkook yelled, before the door to the 15th floor busted open and revealed three security guards all in their furious glory.

Jungkook took his time to steady his breath as V engaged in combat. The astonishment and amazement as V swing his feet and fist almost in a choreographed manner. With the smoothness and roughness combined, it was sight worth watching. He barely stopped himself from flinching as V threw a guard against the wall followed by the sickening crunch of the spine.

“Damn! You can fight!” he clapped V on the back after the other knocking the third guard out.

As they resumed their journey upstairs, Jungkook heard the grunts From Chim, who probably was engaged in some fighting, soon followed by the sound of Hobi’s and Suga's guns as they eliminated the threats.

“What floor is Lee's?” V asked.

“45th” Jungkook answered, finishing up his banana milk and throwing it haphazardly. He made sure to take a deep breath and save up every strength and breath, he very much needed them.

Jungkook blinked and hissed in anger, “45th! Why the fuck didn’t we take the bloody elevator, ah, yes, out of order, look out!” he shouted as another two guys appeared on 20th floor.

They didn’t seem as strong as the other three so V easily knocked them out.

Jungkook would have taken time to admire V’s physique, the way the elder is looking bloody hot, looking all focused, but he is here trying to catch his breath and not die, as he dragged his feet to 30th floor. He is not sure if he can make it to Alteast 35th.

It’s hard and tiring and torturous. Not at all interesting as movies make them look like.

Jungkook doesn’t want to think how he is looking right now. Probably red, sweaty and not at all attractive.

How the hell is he supposed to impress his future boyfriend looking like a half dead chicken.

“Hacked into their bases. Got all the files needed. Skimming through them now” RM roared in delight, causing Jungkook to whine.

How’s that fair, he is here looking like a shit, while RM and Jin is relaxing in their van right now. He will definitely double his skin care tonight.

“I cannot take this anymore” Jungkook gasped, as he dejectedly slumped down on the floor, “I’m tired!”

“I told you, we should’ve left this whining rabbit at the ice vendor!” Jin's voice sounded cloaked up as he focused on the lens, keeping an eye on Lee.

“Piss off you oldbat” Jungkook fired back immediately, “You better find a hideout, if I survive this.” Jungkook threatened, If he didn’t survive he will then haunt them to their death.

“Come on Jeon, we need to move” V spoke urgently, pulling Jungkook to his feet and dragging him upstairs, ignoring his protests.

How dare he?

“Jungkook I know you can do this bun” V spoke with a soft smile, as if it will motivate Jungkook.

Really! This man gotta be mad.

With a renewed power, Jungkook followed V.

I am seriously enjoying Jungkook's character 🥰

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