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Jungkook eyed V as he cleaned his wounded shoulder, not even bothering with anesthesia as he took the bullet out himself, as if he done he has been doing it a lot like an hobby.

He was sitting on top of a metal desk inside what V informed him is their Headquarters, apparently these six are some highly secretive group working for the government. So V isn't a kidnapper or belong to mafia or something, but a high profile govt secret agent.

Oh dear, bonus point for boyfriend post. Wait, why all this ruckus, he will promptly choose V as his boyfriend candidate.

Jungkook couldn't sit still, he really really really do wanna see them fight. He was bursting with excitement.

RM and Chim have gone to the bathroom while Suga and Hobi are busy ransacking their kitchen for food.

He was still disheveled from what transpired today. All the happenings that felt like a dream—from getting kidnapped to this surprisingly peaceful end—an illusion of some sort.

When he thought he’ll be spending his day like he usually do, bored out of his mind. It didn’t occur to him that life has such a funny way of turning things three sixty.

Out of the blue.

But he isn't complaining.

He’s such a sucker for adventures.

Maybe he’ll wake up and find all this is some dream. But dreaming or not, he definitely lived to tell the tale.

If possible he will probably end up writing a book and publish it.

"What the fuck just happened today?” Jungkook asked as he eyed V who smiled and chuckled at him. His mind cannot properly wrap around how this day was.

It felt like an eternity yet so shortlived.

“Yeah, sorry about that” V's lips pulled into that nice stretch, making the t shirt pull up revealing the toned abs.

“What happens now?” Jungkook asked curiously, as he refused to stare and drool at V's stomach.

V shrugged, “Lee will undergo deep investigation before we will squeeze out the information out from him. If he willing tell us everything, good for him, otherwise we will just have to torture it out of him.”

Jungkook had half mind to ask, if he could atleast watch them torturing Lee.

Hey come on!! it's his boss and he have the complete rights for that.

"Oh, yes! By the way, can you teach me how to fire a gun properly?” Jungkook asked smiling, thinking that maybe he’d already lost his mind for what he's asking from a head secret agent.

But the sheer fact  that he had more fun today than all of his years combined was telling enough.

“You’re a civilian, bun. We do no—

“I don’t think he still is. Not anymore” Chim appeared from the kitchen, munching on a piece of pizza, “I like him. Let’s adopt him as a trainee, Teach him a thing or two”

“No!” Jin complained appearing out of nowhere “We are not taking this brat—"

“Excuse you, Oldman” Jungkook cutoff, pulling out his meanest glare.

“Calm down, you kids” Suga mumbled, “The decision falls to Jungkook. Not yours to dictate Jin. If he is willing to be a trainee under us and agree to the conditions and sign the fucking confidential document, then you don't have a choice, but to suck up and tolerate him”

Jungkook stuck his tongue out to Jin. Did he said he forgave Suga for handcuffing him at the coffee shop.

“Ofcourse, I will love to kick some ass” Jungkook grinned almost manically. He is bouncing with so much excitement that he might burst out. Speaking of which, “You better make sure my Prada is in good condition or I will shove a baton up your Mouth”

Chim chuckled, “That’s my job”

Jungkook's eyes widened comically as he cringed with the information. TMI! TMI!

Chim laughed at Jungkook's reaction, “So, what are the three conditions?”

Jungkook blinked. He nearly forgot about that. Or maybe, really already forgotten about it.

“Yeah, what’re they?” RM asked.

Jungkook eyed them one by one, He eyed V who was giving him a look while finishing up his bandage.

He smiled as V raised an eyebrow in question.

He eyed the group of Spy's and shrugged.

“V has to date me, kiss me, and fuck me. Not necessarily in that order”


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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