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“All set?” V asked, fixing up his own clothes.

Jungkook had to admit, this man is looking like a full course meal right now, literally he had to force himself not to salivate at the sight of V in white suit, looking like he's out of vogue Magazine.

Jungkook had to admit, this man is looking like a full course meal right now, literally he had to force himself not to salivate at the sight of V in white suit, looking like he's out of vogue Magazine

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Jungkook watched in his binoculars as Hobi and Suga fixed themselves at the rooftop of the company opposite Lee Corporation. Sniper guns in front of them as they watched out for any possible threats of Lee’s security.

RM is staying inside the van, hacking inside the company to cut the power off when it’s time while Chim is sweeping the floors discreetly, making sure all regular employees have logged off for the day.

Jungkook sighed, fixing his own clothes to look Presentable as he will be going inside while V trails behind him, pretending to be on business.

He isn't looking that bad, if he had any idea about his day ending up like this with meeting V, he would have put an extra effort on his dressing

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He isn't looking that bad, if he had any idea about his day ending up like this with meeting V, he would have put an extra effort on his dressing.

"Everything set” Hobi answered through the earpiece.

“Most of Employees are out” Chim spoke through earpiece, giving a thumbs up to RM who is watching everything through security camera he managed to hack few moments ago.

"Let's get this show on the road" Jungkook spoke excitedly, practically bouncing on his seat.

"Shut up” Jin mumbled from the seat behind him.

“You shut up! You’re not a part of this conversation” Jungkook bite back.

"Both of you shut up” Yoongi hissed voice came through the earpiece.

“In five” V spoke, his voice allowed no teasing or any more bickering.

“Done” RM spoke silencing everyone, as if a switch turned on, everyone turned serious all of a sudden, making Jungkook a bit panic and excited at the same time.

“Alright, let’s go” V opened the van and helped Jungkook out. Gentleman.

Extra points for the boyfriend post.

Jungkook stood silently, as V double checked his protection. Making sure Jungkook’s bulletproof vest is hidden underneath his office clothes, if he should call it like that. Before he walked towards his company entrance looking cool.

Jungkook had to admit that he looked nowhere near how an office employee should look like

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Jungkook had to admit that he looked nowhere near how an office employee should look like. Not his fault, he was running late and his formals weren't washed.

“How do you know this is going to be successful?” Jungkook asked V, once they entered the company as the reality of all began to sink in.

He’s teaming up with Kidnapers willingly. Just because he finds V gorgeous and he sees a amazing future boyfriend in other. What is his grandmother going to say? That he cannot even run a single braincell?

“I don’t” V answered as they walked side by side with him confidently, his suit giving the appearance of a businessman, “But faith, I guess”

Fuck. Maybe this is a bad idea.

Very bad idea.

"Alright. Let’s get to the elevator” V looked at him and gave him one nice wink.

Well, maybe this isn’t such a bad idea.

As they rounded the corner, he stomped his feet at the sight of the elevator. Out of order.

True, unlucky day.

"Elevator's under renovation. I'm afraid you have to take the stairs. You have an hour"  RM informed through the earpiece, "Good luck"

"Are you fucking serious? All those floors?" Jungkook whined in annoyance.

"Leave then, Princess. No one's pushing you" Came Jin's irritating voice. That man is such a pain in ass. They just met and Jin's already a major inconvenience in his life.

"Shut up" Jungkook gritted his teeth.

Jungkook cursed silently as V grabbed his wrist and run for the staircases.

Jungkook was about to run on his own accord but stopped when his eyes caught something. He ran towards it and shoved coins in it absentmindedly.

“What the hell are you doing?” V hissed at him, “We got to go! Time's running” V tried to pull him away the vending machine but Jungkook held strong.

“Are you kidding me? We’re about to get up there to kill my boss and you’re telling me I can’t have a banana milk?!” Jungkook asked, glaring. He needs the energy. All the energy he can because he knew this can get so bloody.

V groaned sounding pained but waited impatiently while Jin mumbling about something in the lines of burdens.

When Jungkook got hold of the Banana milk bottle, V was quick to pull him up the staircase. Running and not even looking back as he ordered Jin to cut the cameras and some of the lights.

The first ten floors went smooth but tiring. Jungkook mentally kicked himself for skipping leg day many times in a row as he panted and gasped. One serving of banana milk isn't enough.

As they rounded the 12th floor, Jungkook gasped at the presence of a guard smoking. A guard that should definitely not be around. A guard who stopped and eyed them suspiciously. Jungkook can literally see the gears in the guards mind turning.

It wasn't until after a minute the guard gasped in realization as he grabbed his walkie talkie in haste.

“Red! Code red! Seal the doors! Red!”

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