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"Fine" Jungkook sighed dejected, "What do you need of him?"

"None of your business. Now, talk" Jin snarled with a sour look on his face.

"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"As I've said, none of your business" Jin glared at him, which he obviously ignored.

"It is my fucking business when you guys kidnapped me and destroyed my plans for getting laid tonight!" Jungkook blurted out and sneered at Jin, who have done nothing but aggravate him with his attitude, "If I get the fuck outta here, I will be throwing a punch again to that face of yours, and mind you, I will punch harder this time and make sure it will leave a fucking mark on that handsome face of yours."

Hobi snorted but quickly covered this grin when Jin send a glare his way. "Your boss is a corrupt, menacing bastard, firefly. Underneath that company is a business you wouldn't like to know. Now, tell us all things" Hobi asked sounding serious all of a sudden.

"Why are you revealing things?!" Jin complained, "He's an employee there!"

"Relax. Other than his mouth, he cannot harm us" Suga shrugged, making Jungkook roll his eyes.

"Get me outta this if you don't want to anger me further, believe me you don't wanna face that side of mine" Jungkook warned.

V winked at him another achievement, yes!.


Jungkook gulped when he caught sight of the familiar gun pointed at him with zero ounce of hesitation, "Talk"

Oh devil!

"Lee Dong-Hae stays in the penthouse inside the company on working days and in his house on holidays. He's caged in his office at work hours and prefers to do business meetings on calls and video chats and documents. He rarely goes to a restaurant because the restaurant comes to him. He have some sort of weird attachment to his company because he rarely leaves from it." Jungkook blurted out in a single breath, he stopped himself to take a breath before he die of lack of air.

"He's a multilingual man, allergic to Shakespeare but has a peculiar collection of his works. He's wealthy, not so old and new money. He's very fond of auctions but stays on the phone"

"Great!" RM clasped his hands together, "That'd be all"

That'd be all? That'd be all?

Jungkook gawked at him before sending a glare towards the man's way. He would have tried attacking if he wasn't bound to the chair like a crazy person.

"Get me outta these fucking cuffs" Jungkook demanded, "Or I swear, just stab me"

V gave him an appraising look, "We do not hurt civilians, bun"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sneered, "The moment you have decided to cuff me is the moment you hurt me. How could you? Do I look like someone to be controlled by you, huh? Do I?"

The fucking audacity once more when V nodded, "A little, yes"

Jungkook's lips parted in disbelief. Honesty is not always the best policy.

"You never really shut up, do you?" Jin asked rudely, this man really must have something against him and the feeling's fucking mutual.

Jungkook has a love for anything sweet. Not sour and bitter.

"You're going to come with us" V informed and Jungkook rolled his eyes respectfully, really.

"Sure. It's not like the idea of you killing my boss is not scary. Not really at all" Jungkook dismissed them, preferring to watch Chim, Suga and Hobi having an animated conversation. Talking about things they'll be doing in the Lee cooperation, possibly about how to kill his boss.

Oh no, he didn't even got his salary, will be still get his salary eventhough his boss will be possibly dead.

"You're going to be with me in the company" V informed, eyes digging lovely daggers at his brown ones.

Fucking sure.

"In one condition” Jungkook negotiated before he tilted his head and made a face, “Actually, two… let’s make it three”

Jin was about to butt in again when V raised a hand, “I’ll take this. Go gear up. We’ll be leaving in fifteen”

Jin grumbled but obeyed the order.  Suga and RM entered the room in their assassin suits, if that's what they call it. Soon followed by Hobi and Chim, both of them giving him a wink.

“State your conditions” V spoke, easily taking all his attention.

Jungkook grinned. Now, they’re talking business.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He winked, unabashedly flirting with his kidnapper but well, their hearts in a good place or not really, “Let’s save the best for last”

I really don't know what's going on with my Wattpad account, the update are all jumbled and it's not getting sorted properly. 😅😬

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