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Jungkook groaned. The pain ebbing from his nape making its way known.

His brain silently registering the faint sounds surrounding him - a keyboard furiously being typed on, the click and clack of something like a barrel being pulled and news echoing in what felt like a peaceful place.

Confusing for a kidnapping hideout.

Remembering what happened hours or maybe even days ago, Jungkook opened his eyes frantically. He felt like floating and when he tried to move his hands only to found out that he was tied in a chair with his hands bound to his back.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and breathed heavily. True, he may moan about his life being boring twice or thrice everyday but this? Him getting kidnapped surely wasn't in his list of making his life more exciting.

God, is he going to get tortured, are they going to turn him into some sex slave or something. He shouldn't have waited so long just to give his virginity to some unknown bastard. Will some cops come like a knight in armour and save him from his horrific future. Is he even going to live to tell the tale?

Whoever these motherfuckers are, they are surely going to regret it, If they picked him for ransom money. Then they might have mistaken, they surely must have picked the wrong guy.

Jungkook took a deep breath and braved himself to look around... which proved to be a bad idea.

A very bad idea, indeed.

He might just as well died already, as he stared through walls and the stranger's backs. All those weapons attached to a wall and laid above the tables. Guns, knives, grenades, and fucking what not.

Holy shit!

What even is he doing here? He just wanted a fucking coffee. This doesn't look like a normal kidnapping?

Is this because he put cotton candy in Lisa's spicy noodles yesterday. He isn't that problematic that she had to assign someone to kidnap and torture him.

He is really harmless.

Jungkook slowly started to access his kidnappers, Beginning from someone in blond hair. The guy is cute, not a image one would think for a kidnapper.

He is dressed in black shirt with small red hearts and flowers and ripped jeans

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He is dressed in black shirt with small red hearts and flowers and ripped jeans. The guy would have gave out a friendly vibe If he wasn't busy wiping a clean cloth over a gun.

To his left side is a grey bluish haired man sitting and typing furiously on his laptop with a white t-shirt, black jeans, black running shoes and big glasses on his face.

To his left side is a grey bluish haired man sitting and typing furiously on his laptop with a white t-shirt, black jeans, black running shoes and big glasses on his face

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