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Jungkook groaned, eyes fluttering as he looked at the group of what he realized were killers for hire/hitman/assassin. Up until now, his hands are still bound to his back and are beginning to numb really really bad.

The only good thing that changed was his location.

His eyes weren't swimming with weapons now as he was placed in the living room of whoever's house they were in. He was surrounded by those who kidnapped him with V staring at him as if he was a food on a sizzling plate.

And perhaps he can be if this man willing.

Jungkook nearly sniggered at the thought.

Now, that Jungkook's sure that he's really not the victim of whatever atrocity and cruelty these people plan, the anxiety he never realized was there at all slowly dropped down.

Of course like his ex-bestfriend Daniel said, no one would harm this beauty.

Jungkook tried not to be bothered by it but the truth that his dinner date will probably wait for him and he actually expected he's going to get laid tonight finally. But, here he is, revealing an information to people he doesn't even know.

He seriously needs to have a boyfriend. The person winning that slot is V, sorry Ben. He can be his Mrs. V. That sounds good Right? Yeah, definitely.

Who the hell have name with single Alphabet, he sincerely hope V have some sort of surname.

Jungkook sighed. Whatever annoying bravery he has and the strength he can gather from his trust that V won't kill him, he spoke, "Can someone get me out of these handcuffs? My hands are fucking numb and if my blood flow is damaged because of you guys, you're never going to hear the end of it"

"What else do you know about him?" Suga asked, ignoring what he said and Jungkook glared at him in distaste.

"I am not fucking telling more information unless you get me out of this motherfucker choking my hands. Now, get me out of this torturing metal or I'm going to yell nonstop"

There was a snort Jungkook can recognize came from V. The only one who left such an amazing impression on him. And the fact that he can make V laugh, smirk and snort? It's gotta be an added bonus, right?

"And my dinner date will be devastated! I am devastated already!" Jungkook whined, he still haven't got that goddammed caffeine into his system.

"I told you we should get the one with an eyepatch rather than this bumbling brat!" Suga complained and Jungkook glared at him.

How dare this minty!! Isn't he enough? How dare they even think of other choices when he is here. Gosh, he hate when people underestimate him.

"Fuck you, Minty Old man! Now, get me the fuck outta here! I need a release!" Jungkook said with a double meaning which Jimin must've understood because he chuckled fondly.

"We need to know all things you know first. We are on rush so speak seriously, Jeon" V said and Jungkook rolled his eyes, fine, fine. Anything for his future boyfriend.


"First of all its Jungkook for you. Secondly You need to tell me who you guys are otherwise I'm not going to cooperate." Jungkook warned. These guys might have kidnapped him and brought him to their secret place or whatsoever.

If they aren't going to co-operate with his conditions, then he won't be cooperating to theirs.

As much as V here have earned slight of his infatuation, he very much know that these people kill. Just the weapons in the room is enough evidence.

But that doesn't mean he will give up without a fight. His hands may be tied, but his mouth is still very available.

"I am V, they are RM, Suga, Jin, Chim, and Hobi, which you must have already learned by now" V said with a lazy look on his face.

"And I am firefly! Your full names. I need your full names. Real full names" Jungkook demanded. Finding the situation ridiculous especially when these people have already given out their Code names "It's unfair that you know mine. It's really unfair that I am tied to this blasted chair when I should've been getting ready for my date. I fucking need a drink"

And the smirk's back on V's face, "No bun. I am not so as lenient as you think I am" V spoke, something about that look send chills through him.

Jungkook sighed. He can't risk his life, he is just 25, so many years ahead for him to live. He have lots of Netflix series to watch, he didn't even had a real boyfriend, Just had few kisses.

What about his dreams of having romantic dates, movie nights, cuddling, proposing and a big ass wedding.

Nah, he have a lot to accomplish.

"Fine" Jungkook sighed dejected.

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