Chp- 9

775 60 6

His lips parted as Jungkook focus alternated between attending to his probably sprained ankle and V fighting. The remaining two mens were strong and even more threatening as they fired their guns. Blindly shattering the glass windows, the vases and any other fragile furniture. Leaving the place in ruins and him in a mess of pain, dirt, and shaking nerves.

“Fuck, fuck” he mumbled as V received a punch on the jaw and stomach followed by another gunshot on his shoulder.

“Shit, shit. What do I do?” Jungkook murmured to himself from where he was hiding.

“Kim Taehyung, huh?” Lee Dong-Hae sneered angrily at V.

Kim Taehyung? Who? But Jungkook had no time for whoever this Taehyung guy is, because his future boyfriend’s future isn’t looking good right now.

Jungkook counted from one to five and yelled. Ignoring all the warning he can hear from Hobi, Chim, RM and Suga.

Jungkook gripped the gun tight and stood up, “Get away from him!” he yelled, closing his eyes and blindly shooting off the gun.

Protect because like he said, “Do not harm my future boyfriend!”

Can you believe this brat guys? Future boyfriend?” Jin grumbled, tone sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

“Jungkook—fuck—ow!” V coughed, moving and grabbing the two guards by chokehold, “Jungkook, drop the gun” V said as the two guys crumple down the floor, lifeless.

Jungkook opened his eyes and did what he was told to. He gasped at the sight of the guards and reddened dramatically, “Was I the one that killed them?! Holy shit! Fuck! I killed them—

“Baby, breathe” V said, grabbing him by his arms to steady him, “Chim, up to the 45th floor. Hobi and suga?”

“Eyes on the target”

“It's going to be fine, Jungkook” V said, eyes serious but tender, "No, you didn't kill them, don't worry" V reassured him.

As Jungkook was about to say something mad, his eyes caught sight of V wincing in pain and the unmistakable sight of blood dripping from his shoulder.

“You’re shot!” Jungkook chocked out, he don't know what's more worse, he shot his own future boyfriend.

“’m fine. Stay here and wait for Chim” V told him, but Jungkook was busy cursing every goddammed brain cell he have.

He shook his head and gazed at him with determination, “No”

I hate to break the moment but you have to move” came RM's voice, "But Lee's escaping"

Shit, where did that motherfucker gone.

V smiled at him and even told him to stay here while he get Lee in the gentlest voice, but not enough to keep him still. So ofcourse, he followed V to the 47th floor to the helipad.

Jungkook peeked slowly, to see Mr Lee standing infront of V, Not even the slightest bit alarmed or scared at the prospect of death.

"Mr Kim, I’ve been waiting for you” Mr Lee spoke calmly, eyes sharp eyes flittering to Jungkook’s with surprise “Mr Jeon, what will your father say”

Jungkook had a sharp retort ready, who does this bastard think he is.

“I assume you’re not here to kill me seeing as how your snipers just kept an eye on me” Lee asked with a questioning look, finally taking his eyes of Jungkook.

“I’m not” V confirmed, nodding.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “You’re not?”

All of these are just for nothing? Really?

“I’m not” V clarified.

“I thought you are?” Jungkook asked in disbelief, if V isn't going to kill Lee, then he will just have to do it himself, before his dad get a wisp of this.

“I never said anything about killing bun. You assumed that” V winked before wincing in pain, “I’m here to take him. he have a lot of valuable information for us”

Okay, that's seems fair.

Lee chuckled“You won't get a thing from me, my mens will come for me and they will kill you and your mens." Lee spat out, as he glared daggers at V, who didn't seem to be bothered with the threats.

V calmly took a step forward and in next instant he was handcuffing Mr Lee, who tried to put up a fight, but it went vain as V easily overpowered him. Soon Chim reached, followed by Suga, both of them dragged Mr Lee out, but only before punching him on the face.

What a fucking day this is and Jungkook never had any idea about what's really happening. Who the hell is these Kidnapers really? And where’s the fight between V and Lee Dong-Hae? Come on! They owe him that fun!

He can't believe that Mr Lee surrendered so easily, that bastard was so embarrassingly easy to take down. Even Jungkook could do that.

Now that he got the thrill of adventure and it will be especially hard to make him back down. Now, he finds himself really wanting to get into feel this thrill again.

Holy shit. He's gonna be a criminal.


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