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Soft sounds of R&B managed to bring Sabrina out of her sleep, completely groggy from the events of last night. She knew what sex was but last night was not that.

 That was raw unadulterated lovemaking, her body continued to tingle after the thought.

She had never experienced anything like that before, sure she came with other lovers but there was never a feeling after though. That is what was fucking her up, this sense of something that was just poking at her and she didn't like it one bit.

Noticing his muscled arm across her breasts as if he was protecting them, she realized that last night was much more than she could take. But in the dark depths of her mind, she knew that something was beginning to brew between them.

She got up, feeling the ache of the night before all over her body. A sweet breeze came from the slightly ajar window, cooling the pain.

She looked down to see him cradling her waist with a grip that suggested he wasn't quite ready to let go yet.

In a way, she liked how even in his sleep, he still wanted to hold onto her. The way his ebony arms complimented her warm chestnut midriff, just made sense.

A low groan emitted into the room, making her know that he was awake. He moved a little, accidentally gripping her so hard that she fell back into him.

" Morning " he mumbled.

" Morning" she whispered, feeling compelled to caress his face. The crookedness of his slight smile, the warmth of his cocoa brown eyes, the softness of his supple lips and so much more.

She wasn't sure how she might cope without enjoying more of him regularly. She figured that they would find a way to work something out.

"In all my 24 years, no woman has had me more caught up than you. Damn," He looked up at her adoringly, her face frozen by his words.

He was 24.

She couldn't believe how stupid she had been. This whole thing was a mistake, she had been feeling someone who was five years younger than her.

She had never gone for someone younger than her ever before in her life, it was one of her rules that she stuck to and never wavered on.

Without a single word, she scurried around to find her clothes, blocking out the urgency in his voice as he tried to get her attention. 

" Brina, what's going on? Where are you going? Did I say something?" He got up, completely confused by her sudden change in behaviour.

Choosing to ignore him, she quickly put her clothes on, she bolted from his room. Exiting into the hallway, she accidentally bumped into one of his friends. He tried to talk to her but she wouldn't let him, finally leaving the villa, to be free from him.

As she approached her room and sat down, she wasn't sure if she handled that well. She knew that any further pursuit of whatever this was with Levi had to stop.

She noted his instant distraught when she ran out. But what was she to do?

He was five years younger than her and while she didn't have a problem with casual romance, it did bother her that they weren't close in age.

Men that age are too unpredictable, unstable, and immature to understand the boundaries she set, and in time, she felt that he would eventually end up behaving like that even though all the signs seem to indicate the opposite.

Not only that, she found herself too drawn to him, like she would fall if she wasn't careful.

That's why running was the only option, she knew it wasn't right but that was the best way she could deal with this situation.

Dread was the first thing she felt when she woke up the next morning, she was hoping that these few days of her trip would be stress-free and took her friends' offer to relax at the pool.

Sipping her fresh smoothie, she zoned out to the thoughts of what they did days before, reeling from how good he was. It impressed her that even he ate her out, a lot of guys she had dealt with before were normally opposed to that.

She observed the water ripple, remembering how quickly he made her feel aroused as soon they had gotten to the room. To be honest, she was beginning to feel it again purely from thinking about it.

"Brinnna, why are you staring out of space like that? You ok?" Mena looked at her with concern.

"Ugghh, you know the guy I've been talking to you, yeah? Well, we had sex last-"

" Wait, the guy from the game?" Azani sat up in the lounge chair, intrigued to know more.

" Yes him. Like I was saying, we did the do and then he told me yesterday morning that he's 24. 24! I can't take him seriously" Sabrina declared, looking to them for some solidarity.

But she was met with them looking at each other and laughing at her like she was crazy, she could only mug them for that.

" 24? Really, Sabrina? the way you were describing this it's as if he's minor or something."

" Which he clearly isn't, and what's the big deal? He's younger than you by like 4 years, just means he got more stamina" Azani chuckled, hi-fiving Mena.

"It's 5 years by the way and I will not be entertaining him any further" She grumbled.

" I mean, he must've been good if you're this frustrated at the fact that he's younger. What are you gonna do, avoid him?"

" Yes, I wi-" Sabrina's breath was caught in her throat as she saw him standing by the bar, chatting to his friends. One glance at his tattooed body and handsome face and all the flashbacks were hitting her at once, she had to get out of there.

She bolted back to the room, happy that she was safe from him. She was sure that he had seen her but for now, she didn't care. She pulled her suitcase out of the wardrobe, ready to pack her things away.

She only hoped that she didn't have the unfortunate opportunity of running into him again.


Another chapter!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Love, Tam x

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