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Sitting in a local bookstore in Oxford Circus, Sabrina put on her best smile as eager fans of her book listened to an excerpt of her book:


" Monae knew better than to get him angry. He wasn't the kind of man that responded to sass well and the way he was looking at her now made her know that she had one more time before he dealt with her.

They both approached the bridge and looked down to see the men in black suits looking for them and slipped away to a nearby corner, hoping they were not seen.

" How do we get out of  here?" She whispered. He only pointed to the big hotel that sat at the edge of the street.

She followed his line of vision, bolting towards it. Just as she thought they were in the clear, a strong grab yanked her back and that familiar scent let her know that they had been caught.

" I don't like chasing after what is already mine, Monae," Leo whispered in her ear as he held her tightly. She hated that he still had an effect on her, feeling a small pool form in her panties.

She looked around to see that Tiger had been reprimanded, this was all her fault. She was well aware of the risks of running away from Leo and really should've attempted this alone, instead of enlisting poor Tiger to help her.

They entered their respective cars, and Leo made sure to keep his tight grip on her. She watched as the scenery changed from city buildings to lush trees that hid all manners of things there. The gates opened for them and she felt that sinking feeling again because she knew that Leo would've no mercy on her tonight.

They came out of the car.

 She saw Tiger dragged towards the back and instantly knew that his fate would be far worse than hers. The staff greeted them as Leo dragged her as if she was a child, she couldn't even put up a fight as they got closer to the place she most feared.

A soft click of the door and now, they were in the opulent room that they had been sharing for the last year and a half.

" Strip" his deep voice boomed. Small chills ran down her body as she slowly pulled her dress down to the floor and removed her lingerie, leaving her naked.

" You thought you could run from me again, Nae? I think you enjoy pissing me off. Tonight, I don't want so much as a moan or whimper to come from those lips. Understood?" He whispered in her ear as he tied her wrists behind her back.

" Yes, Leo" she gulped.

" Good, baby.  Now get on all fours and arch it just the way I like it"


A ripple of claps could be heard throughout the store as people cheered on Sabrina. This is why she did this, hearing how much they loved her work warmed her heart. She sat at a designated desk while fans enthusiastically asked for her autograph on their copies. 

Obliging them, she signed copy after copy of 'What Binds Us.' and left them individual notes to use as affirmations. She was hoping to inspire them just as she was inspired before.

To say she was tired was not going to cut it, she had been perpetually exhausted after returning from Antigua. The book tour pretty much started as soon as she came back, with a calendar full of interviews with various magazine publications to social media lives with other authors and selected fans.

Today was one of the many events that packed up her schedule, with not much time for anything else and that is why she made good on her word to see her friends tonight at least.

She had spoken to her father recently to make sure he was ok and ended up with a lecture about her avoiding him which she was not doing.

Well, that's what she told herself to justify not returning to that house. All the guilt flooded back every time she thought about it and decided it was best to stay away until she felt it was right to go back.

The London traffic was crazy as usual when she finally left the event, hurrying to her friends for some much-needed stress release.

When her ride parked outside the bar, she made her way to the bar area where she saw Azani and Mena ordering their drinks.

Once she approached them, they both hugged her before sitting in the comfortable leather booth.

" Babe, you've been missing for a minute? I didn't know authors were out here doing it like that" Mena expressed while sipping her mocktail. 

" Sis, I'm actually tryna keep my head above water, got me drowning in all kinds of events" She professed, flagging down the waiter to order a drink.

"Well, you're doing your thing and we're just here to support you" Azani responded, making Sabrina smile.

She couldn't be more grateful that she had the most supportive friends. Made her days more bearable between work and her family life.

" Your dad's birthday is coming, you need to go, you know" Mena looked Sabrina dead in the eyes.

"I don't know-"

" Brina, don't argue with us on this. I know how you feel about home....and your mum but your father is too old to travel here just to see you. At least go home for his sake " Azani tried to reason with her, she noticed Sabrina was trying to think of a way out of this but it wasn't possible.

For once, she didn't have a rebuttal and her friends noticed it. They came to comfort her with a warm hug, knowing it would be a hard visit but she needed to go anyway.

Their night ended with laughter, good food, and a few drinks, they parted ways and when Sabrina reached home at the quiet hour of 3 am, she looked for his number. After a few rings, he picked up.

" Dad....."

" Sweetheart"


Another chapter!


Love, Tam x

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