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Confused wasn't even half of what Levi was feeling after seeing her bolt out of his room days before, he was still completely baffled by the whole situation.

It was difficult for him to comprehend what happened, he never had any woman run out on him. A weird feeling came over him like he was ashamed of what he had done. He wanted to feel nothing but everything was coming to him right now, it was inescapable for him to ignore.

He pulled the light duvet over his friend down there, this is what all those women who got dickmatized by him must felt like when he left abruptly. The pain was so sharp and direct at how it wanted to hurt him, he hated feeling this way.

Any time Marcus and Omar tried to talk to him, he had nothing to say. Nothing could've ever prepared him for this to happen to him. He was, in simple words, devasted, more than when he made a mistake at work.

He needed to clear his mind and he knew very well that beach would do that for him. Finally getting to the golden sands, he caught a glance of her sitting alone but her face looked like she wasn't in the mood to be bothered.

Not that he cared.

As he inched closer, the sweet sensual scent that hugged her every time hit his sensitive nose.

Every step in the warm golden sand felt like hell, his anger hadn't subsided but his nerves were high.

He opted to slot in right behind her to prevent her from running away.

" What are you-" her voice dripped in annoyance as she attempted to wiggle out of his hold.

" You ain't getting outta this until I get the answers I need. Aight?"

"Hmmm" was all she could let out in response.

He suspected that's what he would get, given what happened a few days ago.

"  You wanna explain why yo ass left like that? What I do, huh?" he whispered into her ear.

She shifted slightly, finally stopping her resistance " You wouldn't understand" she mumbled out, just enough for him to hear. He side-eyed her because nothing they had done so far warranted this answer.

" What the fuck you talking about?"

" Levi, just let it go. It's not that important" She managed to swivel herself around to look at him.

" Nah, I said summ in there that made you bolt the fuck outta my room and it sure wasn't me telling I love you, so what's good, Brina?"

Her eyes bored into his and he could feel where this was going, her soft lips touched some part of him but not the part he wanted as he felt the lingering peck on his left cheek.

She simply gave him a hug that made him feel so warm inside that he hadn't realized that she managed to get out of his hold.

The soft pitter-patter of her feet in the sand became a distant memory as he sat in his thoughts, observing the ocean ahead.

The lacking of not knowing why she left had him a little torn, he couldn't identify a viable reason for why and he knew that was going to bother him for the rest of the trip and beyond.

The days that followed had him in a flurry of emotions, ranging from anxious to frustrated. His boys did what they could to get him out of this slump but it was no use.

It wasn't long before they departed from Antigua, he viewed the beautiful landscape decorated by the stunning forest and surrounded by the baby blue ocean. He turned to refocus himself, he couldn't let her have a hold over him like this.

A few hours passed as they arrived at the bustling motion of Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, Levi dapped up his boys as they parted ways. He got into his new car, a treat given to himself when he landed the senior role at work.

The lights illuminated the sleek monochrome apartment as he entered, he headed straight to his room and unpacked all his dirty laundry and other items that had to be put away. He got into the warm shower after putting his laundry in the wash, he hated leaving things around when he knew wanted to rest.

It usually unsettled him more than anything but now she was unsettling him with the way she had been in his thoughts. He couldn't understand why she had this much impact on him in a matter of mere 4 weeks. It was troubling him that she was so strong in his mind, that he hoped it wasn't what he thought it was.

The warmth of the shower heat transported him back to that night. In a normal situation, he would just fucked her senselessly but his conscience wouldn't let him do that, so he conjured up the courage to simply enjoy the brewing intimacy between them, and that he did.

Finally finishing, he lotioned his body with rich aromatic cocoa butter and put on simple pyjama bottoms, he admired the city skyline for a few minutes. There was something wonderful if not ethereal about night-time to him. It was his little escape in this chase for perfection that he couldn't quite get away from.

He hoped she would be surpassed by something else that plagued his mind but he knew better than to assume something like that would happen with all that had passed.


Whoo, another chapter!


Tam x

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