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The bright clouds in the London sky awoke Levi from his sleep. He felt her warmth and instantly pulled her closer, he couldn't believe in a matter of months that he was laying with a woman he had become madly infatuated with.

He wasn't one to second guess his decisions and he wasn't going to start now, he felt so relaxed and to be honest, free.

He secretly craved the affection and managed to finally have it.

He turned to see her laying with her arm outstretched across his chest, grazing her forearm. He knew that he only had a few weeks until he had to return to Atlanta so he wanted to make the most of his time here.

Her eyes opened with a simple smile on her face, enjoying the view.

" Morning handsome" She dragged her thumb across the soft surface of his lip.

"Hmmm, good morning indeed. You hungry?" He moved the coil gently out of her face.

" I could eat if you're cooking or paying"

" You already after my money? Damn girl"

" You know you like it"

He let out a chuckle, getting out of their embrace, and gestured to her to follow.

Her hair was falling over everywhere as she rose from the bed, highlighting that youthful beauty that had sucked him in so easily.

They had a quick shower, nothing short of intimate holds and kisses. He couldn't believe that he was enjoying this so much.

The simplicity of her company was so overpowering that the fact they were only brushing their teeth made him that excited.

They went downstairs to the main dining area where fresh breakfast had been made, an assortment of colours ranging from vibrant yellow scrambled eggs to the rich red tomatoes adorning the long table.

Levi settled with some pancakes, eggs, and bacon while Sabrina dug into some eggs, bacon, and roasted tomatoes which blended into a beautiful concoction of deeply rich flavours in her mouth.

A slight moan escaped her lips causing him to eye her up, she was so into the food that she hadn't noticed even how he looked at her.

Taking a sip of her icy water, her lips turned into a smirk as she noticed his look. " What's on today's agenda?" He had never really been around London when he visited before and as his girl was a native of the city, it was only right to ask the expert.

"Well....there are few things I've been wanting to try, or at least do. You up for it?"

"I'm on whatever you on"

" Good because it's gonna be a long day"

" A'ight girl, whatever you say"

They finally left, making it into the bustling streets of London Bridge. Their hands instantly interlocked as they were thrown into the throes of the busy walking crowd but Sabrina managed to bob and weave them into a comfortable space where they could walk together.

They walked onto the bridge, taking in the views as they held each other.

" Why is the water so brown?" He looked down in disgust. He thought it was supposed to be a river or something.

" I wish I knew, coming like gutter water."

Levi laughed at how disgruntled she was over the River Thames. They continued their walk towards the nearest tube station and descended into an abyss of uncomfortable humidity that slapped them in the face and erratic movement of people going through the station.

As they entered the tube, Levi was in slight awe of how different it was from the subway back home. It was much brighter and the seats had cushioning which he appreciated.

The tube zoomed through until it stopped right where they needed to get off: Green Park.

Leaving the station, they got on bus 6 to the first destination:  a float-in Cinema.  Grabbing some food and drinks, they settled into their boat and docked next to the land.

They enjoyed a black cult classic, laughing and eating away. His mind wandered to the fact that they were official but he never really asked her properly.

She was worth being asked appropriately.

The day continued with spontaneity ensuing as they travelled towards Soho to visit the NQ64 Arcade, a place that Sabrina had been dying to visit.

As they walked down, Levi felt himself being transported to his childhood when he would occasionally hang out with his friends after sneaking out from home.

The gaming sounds mixed with the flashing colourful lights gave him some deep nostalgia for a time when he could escape his parents' excessive arguing.

It was one thing to tolerate each other and pretend they were happy together but their arguing was more than what he was willing to take. He learned that the one time he confronted them about it was the last time he ever cared to involve himself in their business ever again. It was not worth his peace or sanity.

The place was bustling with people, young and old playing various games. They made their way to the air hockey table where they got into an intense game.

Sabrina was already several points up and Levi wasn't having that "Uh uh uh, girl you ain't beating me this time. I can't go out like that"

" You better watch out, hate to see you lacking" she smirked.

" Ay ay, just cause we go together don't mean that I won't whoop that ass. Don't play with me"

" Didn't I do that before and win?" She gave him a knowing look to which he side-eyed.

" A'ight bet"

They played away, moving erratically each time one of them scored. It was now the final few seconds, and they were tieing together.

It all came to a head when Levi hit the puck so hard that Sabrina only narrowly missed out on getting her shot, allowing a gap for Levi to win.

" You should be happy, you with a winning nigga, baby" He boasted, noticing her annoyed look.

She was unimpressed, leaving Levi alone and he knew just the thing to cheer her up.

He jogged up behind her, interlocking his fingers with hers. Noticing she didn't decline, he got deeper with the interlocking.

The walk was slow, accompanied by the softest breeze. Moments like this made him believe that this relationship was worth the risk.

What they had definitely couldn't be faked, he could only hope they would go the distance.


Another chapter!

Let's go! Comment your thoughts.

Love, Tam xxx

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